13th of July


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     For a moment, let’s use our imagination and project into our minds the following scenes related to a family:
     Don Carlos, the father, arrives from the market and heads towards the kitchen.   Then he delivers a package to Mrs. Natalia (the mother), who takes a bunch of bananas and gives a fruit to each of her 4 children. At that time, the visiting cousins, knock on the door. Then they cut their fruits and give a piece to their relatives.     An hour later, Joseph (eldest son) goes quickly to his room to get something, but he tripped over the table and knocks a valuable porcelain lamp. Immediately, Don Carlos came in and asked: What happened? At that time Lucky, the cat crawled under the bed and Joseph thought he could blame the cat, but his conscience told him "we must tell the truth."    The father scolded him for being careless, however Joseph was satisfied with his conduct.      Meanwhile in the basement, Mary was checking the family clothes she was going to wash.         So she found a $ 50 bill in a pocket of Ramon’s pants, her brother.
She thought “I can buy the blouse I want with this."

Light Families

         However, her conscience said, "This money is not mine." She went upstairs and handed the $ 50 dollars bill to her brother. Then Don Carlos rang a bell to call everyone for it was time to meet for sunset Agnihotra.  Around 7:00 pm, they sat at the table, made a prayer, ate and shared ideas. Then, Andrew (16) and Anne (15 years) helped collecting and washing the dishes and other kitchen utensils. At bed time, Don Carlos and Doña Natalia went to the rooms to say goodnight.
    These were some simple moments in the life of the Fernandez family. Today, there are many challenges at home and sometimes the family is made up of a single father / mother and children. To reduce the quarrels, it is good for the parents to remember that good words help, but the example has more impact on children. The Fivefold Path (Agnihotra Daana, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya) helps us to align and synchronize our thoughts with our words, emotions and actions. This always leads to harmony.
Viva la familia! (long life to the family!) 

Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter are very welcome;
please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
and add your address to your email. Thanks!


     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 75                       page 2

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Diana Ortiz
Armenia, Colombia, South America

"I am 41 years old. I suffered from back pain for 2 years. In L5, I have a herniated disc. I am a Dentist and this is a typical problem of Dentists. I have been using drugs for 2 years. I had to sleep with pain medications because sleep was impossible otherwise. It pressed the nerve and I was desperate with the pain. I could not walk or stand, or lie down. I had no peace with this pain. Yesterday I participated in the Agnihotra and Prof. Abel suggested that I take orally Agnihotra ash and also combine it with ghee to make a cream and apply it on my back. I did this last night and I could sleep well without any pain and without medication. I slept like

an angel."   To see video, please click  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMK6N4okXtI 

FENIX, Armenia, Colombia, South America

"I came to Fenix with a broken heart. I was about to lose my wife and my children and my business. I knew something about meditation and vegetarianism because my family follows that. But I was the black sheep; I had problems with alcohol and drug abuse.
                 Now, I'm overcoming it with Homa Therapy. I've grown psychologically many parts of me. I have seen mirrors. I have learned. I see life different. I have another point of view. I do not have the same cover over my eyes. I am more aware of my actions. I do Agnihotra and take its ashdaily . This is my daily medication. It fills me with joy. I have one and a half months with Homa Therapy. The anxiety has diminished greatly. Recently, I've had a challenge, an encounter with alcohol, and I had some anxiety but I could handle it and completely transcended it."

Jose Vicente Maldonado
Armenia, Colombia, South America

"I smoked a pack of cigarettes daily and I used to drink every 8 days. Once I went to a Homa Therapy meeting in the town of Genesis. It took place in the soup kitchen next to the chapel. It turned out that I participated in the Agnihotra fire and consumed its ash. Since that day I have quit smoking and drinking.
        I have come to investigate and learn more about Homa Therapy for I have a nephew that is in drugs. Maybe Homa Therapy can help him as it has helped me."



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Luz Mery Mora
Armenia, Colombia, South America

           "I am 57 years old. For the last seven years, I've been suffering with hypothyroidism. I used to wake up with fear and feel freezing cold. I was taking thyroxin for 7 years. First I was taking 50 mg and then 25 mg. And my anxiety and tachycardia continued. I was fearful.
     Then I got my Agnihotra kit. I've been coming  to Homa Therapy for the last 3 months . I do Agnihotra and take the ash.  The blood tests became normal, but the Endocrinology doctor

 said I still should continue taking thyroxin because I had a lump and I needed more specialized ultrasound tests. I continued with Homa Therapy (HT).                                   Today, after those specialized tests were done, the Medical Doctor told me that I do not have anything and do not need to take more thyroxin.
Also when I got here, I could not bend my leg well. I had a swelling in the knee. Since I started coming to HT, the swelling is gone. It does not hurt any longer and I walk OK.             
Let me add, I am a teacher for children with special needs (handicapped). I have also seen many changes in the children that I have brought here. Example, I take care of a girl named Aurelis suffering from Autism and I have seen many changes on her.  She was so afraid of contact. She has socialization problems and many fears, but these have been significantly reduced. I've seen also the benefits of HT in other children with special needs. I've seen how Homa heals the mind and a healthy mind heals the body."

Juan de Dios Botero Rodríguez
Armenia, Colombia, South America

"I am 60 years old. I have been suffering from insomnia for about 4 years and only slept 2 to 3 hours per day. I had to take pills, but I do not like being doped, because these chemicals eventually harm the body. However, after participating in the Agnihotra session at the Botica de la Abuela and taking the ash, I slept like a baby. I only get up to go to the bathroom."

Dignori Quintero, Haydee Jil, Buenaventura Rodriguez
Armenia, Colombia, South America

      "With Homa Therapy we have noticed that we sleep better and have more peace and tranquility."



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Barbara Mitchell, of Brandon, Mississippi, USA, sent photos from her farm, near to Jackson, Mississippi.


Articel sent by Franklin Nelson:
         "Barbara has planted on her farm, Sophia's Farm, for several years and she has gained much experience. She grows successfully by method of Homa Organic Farming, incorporating vermiculture, compost and compost tea, etc. For the first time, she conducted most of her planting in containers. She reported that she has produced so much more than in the past.        This year, she is growing squash, tomatoes, eggplants, bell pepper, banana peppers, cantaloupes, and watermelons. Also, this year we started an orchard that consists of peach, apple, pear, lemon, plum, banana, oriental pear, blackberry, blueberry and muscadines."

Barbara's (photo right) tomato crop has been so productive that she has donated much of it to an old folks home.  She has also donated food to a soup kitchen for the homeless people.



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Since we are not shown this part of reality in the medias, we want to share it: 
This is the way many people have celebrated the 21st of June (Solstice) in Times Square, meditating, praying and doing Yoga.

The Case for Mandatory GMO Labeling

by Mike Adams

Now that the GMO labeling ballot measure has been officially accepted onto the California ballot, Monsanto is gearing up its propaganda campaign that aims to convince people you don't need to know what you're eating! Trust us, we're the food companies! We never lie, do we?
     For the record, I'm an opponent of most government mandates against individuals. When the government says you have to give your children vaccine shots, that's a violation of your liberty. When Mayor Bloomberg says you can't buy a 16 oz. soda in New York, that's a violation of your liberty, too -- even though I am opposed to soda consumption in general.
When the government says you can't drink raw milk, or you can't treat cancer with medicinal herbs, or you have to get EPA approval before building a house on your own neighborhood lot, those are all examples of government mandates against individuals gone terribly wrong.
     But this GMO labeling ballot measure is not a government mandate against the People. In fact, it's quite the opposite: A People-powered mandate against the corporations.
Forcing corporations to tell the truth
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036209_GMO_labeling_ballot_measure_

How much plastic do we eat consuming fish?

       You may think the title of this video refers to the plastic consumed in the process of producing and packaging the fish we buy. No. Far scarier than that.              How much plastic do you consume while eating fish? refers to the actual plastic, the microscopic particles of plastic from trash in the oceans that fish mistake for plankton. Little fish eat this, the big fish eat them and we eat the big fish.  You are LITERALLY consuming plastic when you eat fish.

For more info please see this video: (1:19)http://www.nextworldtv.com/videos/reducing-waste/how-much-plastic-do-you-consume-while-eating-fish.html


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   In the community farm "El Poporo", its founder, Don Roberto Restrepo, opened the doors for Homa Therapy.              We settled for a few days on this wonderful farm and shared many healing fires and experiences with the lovely families. (photos this page)



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           There were interviews in newspapers, radio and television to talk about Homa Therapy.         The public was invited to experience the healing fires in the “Homa Medical Center La Botica de la Abuela” and to join the Homa Festival planned in the Auditorium of the Red Cross.                      Ms. Enerieth Sanchez contacted all the media.

         The photo above shows Erikson, William and Prof. Abel during an interview with Ms. Diana Rocio Sierra from the newspaper "La Cronica" ( below).

Homa Medical Center "La Botica de la Abuela", Armenia
          The daily meetings with Homa Therapy continue under the direction of Humberto Lema, MD and the founder, Mother Dora Betancur.       
We enjoy every time we have the opportunity to share Agnihotra with the many people seeking help in this Holistic Bioenergetic Homa Medical Center.



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There were many interviews in the media:
1) Photo top right - Radio "Voice of Armenia" with Mr. John Diego Hurtado and  Dr. Gentil Salcedo
2) photo below left -  "RCN Radio" with Mr. Augusto Becerra Carlos
3) photo below right at Radio - “Ciudad Milagros" with Mr. Alvaro Ortiz Duke.
Interviews included Dr. Lema, MD ( director of the Homa Medical Center) and Mr. Erikson Rivera (director of "Fenix"- Center for Drug De-addition) who talked about their experiences with Homa Therapy.
     Ms. Catalina Zapata also interviewed Professor Abel for the TV News UNE (photo above left).

           In the afternoons, we returned  to the Medical Homa Center "La Botica".      There is a great joy arising when you are sitting in front of the Agnihotra fire, witnessing the Light, Love and Healing.            Every day the testimonies are more and more surprising.    One cannot stop the feeling of gratitude, seeing that Divine Grace is working through these  Homas.



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       Ms. Paola Andrea Bobadilla in her radio program "Vibrating with the Environment" also informed her audience about Homa Therapy and its benefits to the environment.(photo left).                       Enerieth  arranged an interview in the “Radio Crystal” with  Hector Cardona (photo below left.). Mrs. Gladys contacted the “Radio Universidad Quindio” for a talk.  (foto abajo)

       In the TV channel, "Telecafé", Dr. Humberto Lema and Prof. Abel Hernandez took the opportunity to inform all the viewers about the effects and applications of Homa Therapy. The community was invited to the Homa Festival in the Red Cross Auditorium. They were interviewed by Ms. Andrea Hernandez Cardenas. (Photo below)



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             On the day of the Festival HOMA,  about 250 people arrived at the Red Cross to know  more about Homa Therapy and experience the ayurvedic healing fire called "Agnihotra". At the beginning of this cultural healing event, Prof. Abel found out about the health problems of the attendees. Many people kept their hand up most of the time, indicating that they wer suffering from a variety of diseases (photos below).

             Mrs. Natasha Zabala, a psychologist and artist, was the flamboyant entertainer in this event and Mother Dora Betancur did Tryambakam throughout the program. (photo right)

     This festival was marked with the presence of great artists. We thank these wonderful and charming musicians. Photos below from right. to left.: Group "Tresillo" with Olga Botero, Reiner Hurtado and Jenny during their symphony with cello, violin and guitar. - Singer Jenny Paola Rojas. - Oscar with his clarinet.



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          Several people gave their testimonies live. They were: Mr. Lucas Maya, Mrs. Luz Mery Mora, Mrs. Natividad Gonzales. Humberto Lema, MD , Director of The Homa MC "La Botica de la Abuela" also shared some of his experiences with the audience.

The FENIX group also came with their director Erikson, in company of his parents, Don Jairo and Mrs. Beatrice. They all brought their pyramids and contributed lovingly with their healing fires. At sunset, everyone went into deep silence while the many Agnihotra healing fires were burning and spreading peace, touching the depths of the soul, where true healing takes place. (Photos during the event in the Red Cross)



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         Back at Don Roberto’s farm “El Poporo”,  we enjoy the closeness to mother earth, her trees, the wind, the rain and many more of her charms.                In return, we supported it with the many

healing Homa fires. The farm children also learned Mantras with Franklin, painted with Aleta, and did Yoga with Abel. They spend their holidays from school in a healthy and enjoyable way. (see photos this page)



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      In the mornings, we met in the office to do  the Agnihotra fire and start the day with strength and positive energy. Tryambakam Homa was also practiced.
Prof. Abel trained the children Felipe, Katerina and Alexis with this Homa fire (they love it) and gave them several yoga classes (photos below). Franklin and Sebastian prepared and dried the Homa cookies and proudly showed their successful work. (last photo)



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While leaving this beautiful place with its remarkable people, our hearts were full of best wishes and gratitude. However, we know that wherever the Homa fires are kept burning, there is protection, love, wealth, Divine blessings and much healing.

Katerina, Alexis and Philip are happy while doing Tryambakam to support Mother Earth and all its wonderful creatures like these beautiful little birds.



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Extracts from an article sent by Bruce Johnson (Part I):
In April 2012 a small group of Homa Therapy volunteers from Fivefold Path Mission, India embarked on a tour of Maharashtra and Karnataka in western India.

The tour was arranged by Dr P.W. Basarkar, Professor of Biochemistry and Dean of Student Welfare in University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, for the establishment of Resonance Points on several organic farms. The group consisted of Bruce Johnson, Abhay Paranjpe, Sanjay Patil and Kailas Patil.
We met at the residence of Mr. Madhukar Patwardhan en Ratnagiri (photo left), who has maintained morning and evening Agnihotra here for 29 years under the auspices of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj.

Dr. Pramod Basarkar gave a slideshow presentation to mango growers at Loknete Shamraoji Peje College, in Shivar Ambere, District Ratnagiri about the effects and benefits of Homa Organic Farming. (photos below)

Bruce Johnson addressed the mango farmers about the benefits of Homa Organic Farming. (photo below left) and Sanjay Patil demonstrates sunset Agnihotra. (photo below right). The meeting was arranged by Mr. Madhukar Patwardhan.



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Dr. P.W. Basarkar encouraging the faculty members of Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Kokan Agricultural University in Dapoli, Ratnagiri to undertake scientific trials with Homa Organic Farming. (photo below left)

                    Meeting with Dr. B.B. Jadhav, Chief Research Scientist at Dapoli Agricultural University. He has agreed to start trials with Homa Organic Farming in near future. (photo above right) 
                      A talk and slide show presentation was given by Bruce Johnson & Dr. P.W. Basarkar in the University conference hall. About 40 to 50 people were present at the meeting including Dean, Heads of Departments, Professors, Lecturers and Students.


Abhay Paranjpe activated the 10 pyramids of the Homa Resonance Point on 40 acre farm of Mr. Jayant Barve (second from right). He has practiced organic farming since 1988 on his farm in Vita, District Sangli. (photo abaove right)
Visiting ‘Nature Care’ factory of Mr. Jayant Barve, where he produces his own organic bio-fertilizer for export. He plans to add AGNIHOTRA ASH as an ingredient to his manure. (photo above left)



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Sanjay Patil activates the 10 pyramids of the Homa Resonance Point on 10 acre farm of Mr Raghunath Pisal (left). He grows organic pomegranates and grapes in Hanumant Vadiye, District Sangli.(photo below left)
Mr. Raghunath Pisal performs evening Agnihotra in his partially constructed Agnihotra hut. (photo below right)

A baby calf was born while we were establishing the Resonance Point on Mr Pisal’s farm.
          Sanjay Patil performs evening Agnihotra on the roadside in Karad, District Sangli. (photo right from right to left: Yogesh Manore and young son, Bruce Johnson, Abhay Paranjpe, Sanjay Patil, Dr. P.W. Basarkar.)                                                                                                              District KOLHAPUR, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA
Follow-up visit to Homa Farm of Prof Shreeniwas Bagal, in Chikurde. Prof. Shreeniwas

Bagal, owner of the Vasundhara Organic Farm in Chikurde, performing Om Tryambakam Homa in his healing hut. (photo right).
Mr. Laxman who manages the farm performs Agnihotra and Om Tryambakam Homa daily on the farm. Prof Bagal is extremely happy with his decision to adopt Homa Therapy on his organic farm.
He informed us that his yield of wheat has increased from 600kg per ha. with agro-chemicals to 3800 kg per ha. after starting Homa Farming.



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     We received the following from Mr. Alexander Chavarriga Rubio from Chile:
            "Attached are some photos of Lautaro and Temuco, where we performed Agnihotra together with my daughters. In Temuco, we did Tryambakam Homa with  friends after a meditation meeting.               I started Homa Therapy two years ago at a workshop held by Ms. Clara Sierra in the "Universidad de la Frontera" and thanks to Mr. Juan Ojeda I could start the practice. All the best and many greetings."


Mr. Ivan writes from Guayaquil, Ecuador:
       "Sending you some photos of the Holistic Fair “Aura 2012”, in which, together with the Director of the Homa Center, Sonia Hunter, we did sunset Agnihotra during the four-day fair.
    On the last day, we also did Vyahruti and Tryambakam

     with with Dr. Jaime Montufar (Homa Medical Center "The Good Shepherd"), with Raul, Rocio, Marianita, Ivan, Robert, Wilfrido, Olga and other Agnihotra brothers and sisters of Light.    We shared the healing ash of the fires with the people and the Guayas River.  Our friend Prabhu Mriganath, Vedic astrologer, also did the sunset Agnihotra with us."



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      Ms. Mariela Pugliese sent photos, showing the Reiki therapists, friends and patients sharing the Tryambakam Homa and evening Agnihotra.

    The Reiki treatment in an atmosphere charged with the Homa fires, helps so one Reiki session has the effect of multiple sessions. Thus, the patient can get well faster and the Reiki therapist can help more people.



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Dear Friends,
We are pleased to welcome you to attend the next Maha Somayag to be held on the banks of the holy Narmada River in Maheshwar, India.
This very special Somayag which is called Vajapeya has to be performed in a specific period of the year which corresponds roughly to autumn. Unlike other Somayags, which normally last for 6 days, this powerful Maha Yajnya will continue for 17 days.
It will be the fifth in the series of seven major Somayags which were initiated by Shree Vasant before He left the body.
This series of seven Somayags provide a major source of healing energies to assist the planet through the Earth changes which have been widely predicted and which we are now experiencing. The healing effects of such Maha Yajnyas, performed exactly according to Vedic science, have a major beneficial impact on the whole planet.
This Somayag will again be held at Homa Therapy Goshala, Maheshwar, situated on the banks of the Holy Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh, India.
If you have not yet witnessed a great Yajnya, this may be the time for you to experience a major planetary healing event. Let this be an unforgettable celebration.
If you are only able to come once - then best to attend this Vajapeya Somayag. It will be a lifetime memory!

For more information on the Somayag, registración, support and donation, etc. please see: http://www.somayag.org

To make reservations for your room, hostal or hotel please see:

With any questions or doubts please write the Somayag comittee: info@somayag.org



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Pharmacist Monika Koch, Germany  


   Are you wonderfully tired at night?
Or are you tormented with tiredness during the day?
To fall asleep tired at night can be very relaxing. To wake up refreshed after enough hours of sleep can be very helpful to start an active day.
     But what if you're tired during the day and even though you feel heavy as lead at night, cannot sleep?

These are some causes:
- too little exercise and fresh air during the day
- iron deficient
- side effects of medications
- signs of a disease (such as: anemia, hypothyroidism, chronic heart insufficiency, low or high blood pressure, rheumatism, diseases of the lung, liver or kidney or similar)
- mental exhaustion
- too many problems

The Doctor you trust can clarify whether it is a disease or a side effect of a drug.

     You can also do a lot to ensure that your health is strengthened and that your body finds a balance between activity and rest:
- Make sure there is enough time for sleep on a regular base
- Schedule the day with enough exercise and fresh air
- Think of doing something every day you look forward to. This can be small and easy to do things such as pick a bouquet of flowers, call a loved one, light an incense stick, day dream for half an hour, surprise a child with a gift, etc.
- Take the time for sunrise and sunset Agnihotra
- By increased stress, schedule 1 hour of Tryambakam every day.
- Before going to bed, mix half a teaspoon of Agnihotra ash powder with yogurt and honey.
Run cold water on the inside of both wrists and also on the inside of both elbows. Then you might want to take a short cold foot bath before going to bed.
- If there are any problems circling in your head, write everything on a piece of paper
and put this aside in another room. Let your problems wait there till the next day.            Take your time for a peaceful night's sleep and chose to think of something happy!

     It is very important to restore the good balance between a deep quiet sleep and a fresh wake up, so that sufficient energy is available for a new powerful day! We are often harried by various appointments, deadlines, the work needs us here and there and even more, the family and the children need us for this and that, even our neighbors and friends want to share some worries. Sure you like to help, and so the day, the week and the month fly by at lightning speed without having had the time to take care of yourself.
    But this is the most important thing - to take good care of you and arrange for enough time and space and recreation!

Because on the other hand, if you rush from one thing to the next, you might break down and will not be able to support others.
         Be sure to take care of yourself, so you have enough power to meet all requirements of the new day!

For more information, please visit following website: http://www.homatherapy.de



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               You must rid yourself of the source of conflict, not only solve the conflicts as they arise. You must actually destroy the source of conflict itself. What is that source? When one is separate from the Divine, one will always find oneself in conflict. Therefore, effort must be made to open the channel, which lies inside one, which connects with the Divine. This has to be a constant effort. Here Mantra is great help. Now is the time to intensify Sadhana. Repeat the Name. Repeat the Mantra. Let there be sound.

                  Do not hang on to fear or misery. Let it go and fill the mind with Mantra. Do fires, one hour Tryambakam Homa best in morning hours, earlier the better.

               If one sees every face as the face of the Creator, one naturally is in more harmony with one’s own true nature. Therefore, we say, “No judgment”. No fear of judgment also.

             You can see how Grace works. It is like you are on one of those automatic walkways in the airport. You take a small step and automatically you are carried much further.

            You reap as you sow. So consciously sow good deeds. Every small interaction you have is measured. So do all with kindness, with love and with a keen sense of awareness. Be more conscious in your dealings with ALL people, those you see as important and those you see of no importance.

              The mind pulls in many different directions, all the time. Do not fight that pull. Fill the mind with loving thoughts, positive impressions, images that heal. Let go of all the negative thoughts as soon as you become aware of them. All wrong, all pain, let it go.



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as received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On Fighting GMO
Yes, yes. We have been waiting to communicate. Presently there are forces marshaled against Truth on your planet. As you know, the spreading of genetically modified foods remains a tremendous problem to survival, not only of human beings but of animal kingdom as well. This evil must be stopped. It is nothing less than an elaborate plan to sabotage the health of planet Earth, all in the name of greed. However, it is far more sinister than it appears.

Those of you with the wherewithal to fight the highly wily giant should band together to do so. Small victories are actually far greater than they appear to be. Every victory leaves a root structure whereupon growth can spread. Planting seeds of Truth is never a waste of time, no matter how huge and looming appears the enemy. Truth garners the support of the Devic kingdom, of the subtle realm, of those who work beyond time and space to save the planet from destruction. Your allies only appear before you as one-dimensional, when actually those who walk with you create a multi-dimensional reality. In simple terms, you are not alone. Your numbers shall increase and, on a subtler realm, you are walking with a multitude of energetic beings both from your planet and beyond.
Continue your efforts in redefining the eco-balance on planet Earth. You are making energetic progress. Stay positive, clear of focus and steely in determination. You are in good company, rest assured. OM.

On Purifying Water Resources with Agnihotra Ash
Yes, yes. Energize water resources, dear beings of Planet Earth. Water resources are in danger, though at present it is not a global problem. It is specific to certain regions of countries and not to entire countries necessarily.
Now comes the time when the miraculous substance Agnihotra ash must be utilized—both internally for humans and animals and externally on the land, in the soil, gardens and absolutely in water sources.
Those of you who have wells should definitely put Agnihotra ash into the wells, preferably on a monthly basis. Water sources can easily be tainted and go unchecked for years, because till now, they have always tested ‘pure.’
The Agnihotra ash contains properties which can miraculously transform even water of questionable purity into energized vital water.
Activations now will be focused specifically on sites with sacred water springs, rivers, streams. If you live by a river, put the resultant Agnihotra ash into the river, if possible at the source of that river. If the source is not accessible, put the ash into the river current itself nearest to where you are. Do this with intent to heal, accompanied by Mantras, prayers, blessings.


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Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org   www.homatherapypoland.org    www.homapsychotherapy.com www.agnihotra.com.au    www.terapiahoma.org

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