13th July


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Let’s use some common sense for a while. What will happen if you think that you are smarter, brighter, faster, and stronger than anyone around you and you decide to:
1) Cross the stop sign without stopping?
2) Cross the yellow and red traffic lights as you drive or walk?
3) Jump from the second floor or higher instead of walking down the stairs or taking the elevator?
Sooner or later you might have an accident and be hurt. The reason is obvious - you are breaking a law or a rule.
What about if you start telling lies every time you run into an inconvenient situation so you can get out without “paying the bill” ? Simply, the laws and regulations are set to reduce the possibilities of accidents or to prevent negative happenings.
Let’s suppose you like:
1) Taking advantage of the ignorance of others.
2) Abusing them.
3) Stealing to show how you can outsmart others, etc.
Sooner or later you are going to get caught. You know when you defy the law of gravity by jumping from the heights without precautions  you may  get hurt.
You will pay for no considering the physical law of gravity. Likewise, when you break subtle laws (emotional, mental, spiritual, etc.) you will also have to pay eventually.
There are man-made laws like: “You should not drive through a red traffic light”, “Don’t drive if you drink”, etc.

Man's Justice could be blind, but
NOT the Divine's ...

There are natural laws like: “You should not overeat”, “You should eat compatible food”, etc.
And there are also subtle laws such as: “You should speak the truth”, “You should affirm the Holy”, etc.
When it comes to man-made laws, there are chances to make mistakes in the design or execution of them. When it comes to Natural and Spiritual Laws, there are no mistakes and there are no bribes. In physics, you are already familiar with the law of ‘Cause and effect’ and the law of ‘Action and Reaction’. And on the metaphysical level you probably heard of the law of ‘Karma’. Would you like to know how to use this law in your favor? We will continue this topic in the next Homa Newsletter. In the mean time, let’s keep connected through the practice of Agnihotra.
Om Shanti Om. Om Peace Om

Note: the words “you should …” in this article can be replaced by “LET’s” if you wish.

Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter are very welcome;
please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
and add your address to your email. Thanks!


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Homa Healing Story

Alberto Montenegro Moran
Guayaquil, Ecuador, SouthAmerica

"I am 48 years and work selling in the streets . My right leg got swollen, but I didn't put much attention to that till it the swelling became more and more. Then I had to go to a Medical Center for an exam. That was on November 21st, 2008. I was suffering from kidney insufficiency for 5 months before I came to know about Homa Therapy. I was in bed and took medications, but without experiencing improvement. The doctors indicated that I had to do three times dialysis per week 

Mr. Alberto Montenegro and his wife,
Cristina Casare at Dr. Montufars´Clinic.

for the rest of my life, but thanks to Homa Therapy I am alive and I am well without dialysis."

Cristina Casare Miranda de Montenegro
Ecuador, South America

"I am 35 years old and I live in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I am Alberto Montenegro's wife. In the month of November, my husband fell sick with a swollen leg. I took him to a clinic where they did some exams and they found out that his Creatinine and Urea levels were very high. The director of the medical center told him that he had only one month to live. Since I did not believe that, I took him to the hospital. I looked for 5 private doctors and they all told me the same, that my husband didn't have more than one month to live.
Not knowing what to do, I managed to have him hospitalized, even though the doctors did not want to hospitalize him. Well. After 15 days in the hospital, his swelling got better and seeing him stable, I was told to take him home and that the only way to save his life was through regular dialysis. Each dialysis costs 70 dollars and he needed three per week. Since our economy couldn't handle this kind of expenses, my husband decided not to get treated and simply die.
Not knowing what to do, I continued visiting the hospital, but the doctor didn't give me any medicines for him. What they told me was, "that he would die".
My desperation was so big, that I spoke to any person I met about my husband. Thank God, I met a lady in that same hospital, the one who prepared the food there. I asked her what I could feed my husband, since the food I gave him seemed to be harmful. The lady told me that I should take him to a therapy center and that there he might have a chance to survive. She gave me a testimony about her nephew, who have had the same illness  and who was treated with Homa Therapy successfully.
That same day, I met Dr. Montufar and learned about Homa Therapy. But truly I was not sure if that could help him. There, listening to the testimonies of patients, who were treated, I went home and talked to my husband and told him that this was our only chance. My husband was more dead than alive.
The first day I placed Agnihotra ash below his tongue, he started to talk, which he could not do anymore. On the third day of giving him Agnihotra ash, my husband showed enthusiasm and energy. He got up from bed, which he had not done in a long time. We give all our gratitude to Dr. Montufar who facilitated us the Homa medicine and Therapy. My husband now is joyful and he can work. But most important, he is alive and healthy.
We had to go to another consultation with the doctor from the hospital and we told him that my husband had not received any dialysis. The doctor was very surprised to see my husband so well and he asked my husband everything: do you eat?, do you urinate?, etc. My husband responded to all questions with: Yes, yes. And we told the doctor the truth that my husband was doing  Homa Therapy. The doctor suggested to do some more exams, but we have not returned to him because we have faith in Homa Therapy.
My husband also suffered from kidney stones, but he expelled them after 3 days with Homa Therapy and following all of Dr. Montufar's indications. We thank God for having given us Homa Therapy."




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Recent experiences on our Homa Farm
Om Shree Dham

Report from Frits and Lee Ringma, Australia

-1) We recently planted a crop of yellow split peas for harvest and soil conditioning. The two photo's below show a bright green strip of peas beside a green/grey shorter crop. Both are the same type of pea, but the greener taller crop is Homa organic seed grown here at Om Shree Dham Homa farm, while the other is planted with a commercially available seed. Both were planted at the same time and receive the same treatment. The difference is startling.

-2) We have for the last 8 months milked Chandra, our Brahmin cow. The raw Homa Organic milk is so full of vitality and goodness and I definitely feel my health has improved since we started drinking this milk. We recently made some Camembert cheese and a visitor who taught us how to make the cheese was amazed that we obtained 4 cheeses from a quantity of milk that would normally produce 2. This indicates that our Homa milk has a much higher protein content than usual.

-3)  News regarding the building of the Homa Health Retreat:
We are busy building accommodation to have a venue to conduct Homa Therapy courses and for the coming times to become a Homa Refuge. The construction is well on the way, approaching the construction of the roof.
We invite Agnihotris with practical skills to live here on our Homa Farm to help us build. We will provide accommodation and food in exchange. Any hard working people out there dedicated to Homa Therapy who would like to share Homa community living?



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Do you want to see a wonderful and educative movie about our HOME?
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.
The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort,and HOME has been conceived

to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.For this purpose, HOME
needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film. We can acknowledge the problems but we also have the Answer: Homa Therapy
HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet. Yann Arthus-Bertrand

http://www.youtube.com/homeprojectes  (espanol)

10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
Two nutrition experts argue that you can't take marketing campaigns at face value
By Adam Voiland
Posted October 17, 2008
1. Junk food makers spend billions advertising unhealthy foods to kids.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, food makers spend some $1.6 billion annually to reach children through the traditional media as well the Internet, in-store advertising, and sweepstakes
2. The studies that food producers support tend to minimize health concerns associated with their products. "If a study is funded by the industry, it may be closer to advertising than science,"
3. Junk food makers donate large sums of money to professional nutrition associations.
The American Dietetic Association, for example, accepts money from companies such as Coca-Cola, which get access to decision makers in the food and nutrition marketplace via ADA events and programs
4. More processing means more profits, but typically makes the food less healthy.
The big bucks stem from turning government-subsidized commodity crops—mainly corn, wheat, and soybeans—into fast foods, snack foods, and beverages. High-profit products derived from these commodity crops are generally high in calories and low in nutritional value.
5. Less-processed foods are generally more satiating than their highly processed counterparts.
Fresh apples have an abundance of fiber and nutrients that are lost when they are processed into applesauce. ...
6. Many supposedly healthy replacement foods are hardly healthier than the foods they replace.
In 2006, for example, major beverage makers agreed to remove sugary sodas from school vending machines. But the industry mounted an intense lobbying effort that persuaded lawmakers to allow sports drinks and vitamin waters ...
7. A health claim on the label doesn't necessarily make a food healthy. Health claims such as "zero trans fats" or "contains whole wheat" may create the false impression that a product is healthy when it's not. ...
8. Food industry pressure has made nutritional guidelines confusing. As far back as 1977, officials attempted to include the advice "reduce consumption of meat" in an important report called Dietary Goals for the United States. ...
9. The food industry funds front groups that fight anti-obesity public health initiatives
Unless you follow politics closely, you wouldn't necessarily realize that a group with a name like the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) has anything to do with the food industry. ...
10. The food industry works aggressively to discredit its critics.
The bottom line, is quite simple: Kids need to eat less, include more fruits and vegetables, and limit the junk food.
Read full article in: http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/2008/10/17/10-things-the-food-industry-doesnt-want-you-to-know.html



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Agnihotra in the Temple of "Salomon". Prof. Abel Hernandez took the various opportunities to present Agnihotra and Homa Therapy to this group of people. Instant healings, like for example from Asthma, were reported in this place.   (photos above and left)
   Agnihotra practice and video presentation showing the wide range of effects of Homa Therapy in the Polideportivo "Nuevo Muzu" in the South of Bogota, whith people from all over Colombia, who were forced to leave their homes. (
Photo below)



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Agnihotra Ash Medicine workshop for Bogota's Agnihotra family. Very potent and simple Agnihotra ash preparations were taught by Prof. Abel and Aleta for daily use at home (photos above and left). The base of these preparations is the Agnihotra ash powder, which is received by passing the Agnihotra ash through a fine strainer.
Pharmacist Monika Koch wrote a wonderful small book on how to use this Homa Folk Medicine in many different ways and also animates to keep formulating more ways.
We want to thank Mrs. Maria Teresa Nunez for all her effort and love in organizing the Homa classes.

Saying goodbye to the Homa family in a Park in the Center of Bogota. A group of approx. 30 Agnihotris, dedicated to serve through the healing fire, after having experienced a transformation in their own lives, accompanied us to the many Homa events in the capital of Colombia. We are very grateful for their love and support. (photo above)
Last, but not least, our deep-felt gratitude to Dr. Jesus Orlando Gomez and his wife Dr. Julia Emma Garzon, who unconditionally supported this Colombia Homa Tour on every step.



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Returning to Ecuador, we arrived directly into the Health and Alternative Medicine Fair "Aura", organized every year by Michelle Barrapau in Guayaquil. Abel Hernandez gave an introductory speech on Homa Therapy and  Agnihotra was performed with the many visitors each day. All participating Agnihotris were asked to give a summary of their testimonies, which ranged from healing  cancer, lung edema, relation ship problems, bed wetting, hyperactive children, stress, gastritis, etc. up to healing of their pets and startling results in agriculture. All these many Miracles through the practice of a little healing fire at sunrise and sunset called AGNIHOTRA.



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CENTRO HOMA GUAYAQUIL - Agnihotra teaching and practice from Monday through Friday with Sonia Hunter, Tulio Reyes, Luzmila and other Agnihotris.

Sharing Agnihotra with wonderful people in "The Hills of Ataman", Olon, close to the Pacific Ocean, where Mrs. Marcya Abad introduced Agnihotra many years ago. It is a joy to visit this energy spot!


Dr. Jaime Montufar invited into his "Homa Clinic the Good Shepherd". After interviewing many patients and hearing their amazing healing results, Agnihotra was practiced in the waiting hall.
Like always, the heat of the many Agnihotra fires is very strong, it seems to burn all disease...
Dr. Montufar has treated 24.000 patients successfully with Homa Therapy. He also applies herbs, magnets, suction cups, reiki, massages,  etc., but Homa Therapy is the core. Each patient learns Agnihotra and receives medicines made from Agnihotra ash, which is also given for free.



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47 Rudra Yajnas for the Inauguration  of Dr. Jaime Montufar's 3rd "Homa Medical Center The Good Shepherd"  in the South of Guayaquil. This was a Festival of powerful healing Rudra Mantras and of outpouring Love. Mrs. Olga Benitez, Dr. Montufars wife, prepared a delicious meal for everyone.  The recitation of the Rudra Mantras with the Holy Fire left as a memory only happy and smiling faces. Everybody was glowing with energy and this new Homa Clinic is vibrating with this wonderful energy.
All Divine Blessings to Dr. Montufar and his family for their outstanding work with Homa Therapy for the people of Ecuador.

Many other wonderful Homa gatherings took place in the New Medical Homa Clinic like a Homa Mantra Workshop (photo above) and a massive Agnihotra. Many of Dr. Montufars' patients bring their own pyramids to contribute to the healing of all with their Agnihotra fire.



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In March this year, Frits and Lee Ringma of Australia travelled to Malaysia to introduce Agnihotra and Homa Therapy in Kuala Lumpur on the West Coast and Kuantan on the East Coast. Our host was Alan Yong, a business man, Chi Gung Teacher and an aspiring Homa Organic Farmer. The public talks were well received, people were deeply moved and we quickly ran out of Agnihotra kits with extra Agnihotra kits having to be shipped over to supply the demand. At Alan Yong’s farm we located sites for Agnihotra and Tryambakam huts for possible Resonance installation and taught the farm employees living on the land Agnihotra.

Every morning we met in a local park to perform Agnihotra with a group of Chi Gung practitioners. There are two Agnihotra groups now, both in Kuantan and Kuala Lumpur coming together to practice group Agnihotras in the park and their numbers are constantly increasing (photo above).

Agnihotra presentation in Kuantan (above)
We have been invited to return in August to further Homa Therapy outreach and to conduct a Homa Organic Farming course to help the many organic farmers who have been e-mailing us about the various diseases and difficulties they are facing on their farms.

Mr. Alan Yong had a miraculous healing with Agnihotra Ash cream from a long standing health problem. After a nose operation several years ago the lining of his nose was constantly irritated and bleeding. After one application of Agnihotra cream the bleeding ceased.


Naturopath Joe Encinas writes from Puno:
"We are helping a group of people with the healing Technique of Homa Therapy. We experience very fast results in calming pains, stomach problems, etc. Assistants quickly feel relaxed, calm and quiet. We have also very good results in treating Insomnia. We are very happy with the practice
 of this wonderful  and simple technique which brings so many benefits. Thank you."



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Ivy Amar from Santa Fe, NM writes: "I send you all love and big hugs and would like to share some photos from various events we had in New Mexico. Above picture (to the right) is from a Women’s Ayurveda, Yoga and Mediation Retreat called ‘Spring into Balance’ on April 26th. I opened the day with Om Tryambakam Homa and everyone took a turn offering.
(Photo above to the left shows Homa Teaches Maria Rathner and Ivy Amar doing Agnihotra.)

Photo above is from an event on June 4th in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque in a Sustainable Center called "St. Guadalupe Gardens". I gave a short introduction and then we did Agnihotra.  In this Center a healthy life style is taught and Mrs. Zaida Amaral is training New Mexicans to develop self sustainability. Katya Miller, who learned Agnihotra in 2007 and Ron Margolis were hosting this event.

Above last 2 photos are from the last full moon gathering at my house in Santa Fe. There were 2 fires lit for Om Tryambakam Homa and people were taking turns offering. Last shot is during performance of Agnihotra healing fire."



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Pharmacist  Monika Koch, Germany

The legs, our loyal servants.

The legs carry us through the life, at any place, at any time. Did you ever thank your legs for their great performance? Did you ever lilt a happy little song for your legs, the cells, the veins etc. to please them so they continue to work happily for you? Are your legs happy?

Mostly we think of our feet when they hurt, if we can't walk any longer, if they are swollen or if the ankle is sprained, etc..  Therefore, it is easier to start doing something good for our loyal servants' relaxation. Yes, you can do more for their healing.

Did you treat them with an Agnihotra ash footbath? Or with a foot-massage with sea-salt, olive-oil and Agnihotra ash? (Rinse your feet well with warm water afterwards since such a massage can pull out lots of poison.) To crown the treatment, you can rub a mixture of Ghee and Agnihotra ash on the feet and legs. Feel the happiness of your feet after receiving such  assistance! This can be repeated any time.

Are your feet sick or hurt? Then, they need a little more attention. If, for example, your knees are overburdened, it has proven successful to massage them 3 times a day with with Ghee and Agnihotra ash.

Are your knees hot and swollen? Then, you can apply 3 to 4 times a day Agnihotra ash compress. (Put Agnihotra ash in cold water and as soon as the towel is warmed through the heat of the knee, renew the compress.) These cold Agnihotra ash wrappers have turned out to be also very helpful when suffering from sprained leg, insect bite and other inflammations. You can simply put a lint-bandage or wrap a cloth on the affected spot and water it repeatedly with the Agnihotra ash water so it remains nicely wet and cold.

  Agnihotra ash mixed with cold water.

Love your feet and spoil them, they will certainly thank you!

You can enhance the effect of each application by also taking Agnihotra ash internally, according to demand 3 times daily up to hourly one teaspoon in water, honey, yogurt, herbal-tea or similar.
Pharmacist Monika Koch is the author of the book: "Homa Therapy - the Ancient Science of Healing".  She has conducted studies with Agnihotra Ash medicines for many years.



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                  The pressure from other planets is great now. So all of you must focus on meditation and Yajnya. Do Yajnya wherever you go. Move with the fire in all humility as Grace is being given for this work.

                In all Fire Temples medicines should be readily available.

               We are living in a very difficult world. There is much pressure and strain from every direction. Everyone is searching for cures for this and that. Let us not be shy. Go forward with Agnihotra.

               Concentrate on ingoing breath/outgoing breath. Take a few deep breaths. Push the mind towards CHIDAKASH, i.e., away from the sense organs. Then attachment to material things is reduced.
Man is all the time driven by desires. Any amount of sense gratification is not able to quench the desires and the thirst for desires. Mind which is in the grip of desires, hankering after gratification through sense organs, has to be turned inwards with constant effort and then pushed to CHIDAKASH. Breath and Prana is the modus operandi.

Master Shree Vasant Paranjpe visiting the Pyrenees (Spain) in 1993

When mind gets concentrated on breath it becomes easier to ease the attachment to material things. With more practice of this meditation the consciousness about body, mind and intellect withers away.
While moving in the world of matter we come across various situations. This leads to conflict. However, with some training, we can train ourselves to remain unruffled. Accept whatever situation confronts you. Never complain or be sad. This is how you recognize that the attachment to the body is withering away. This is the beginning of the ladder which leads to soul vision.




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as received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On Unplugging from the system
This is precisely why we advise those of you whose focus has shifted from the fear-driven society in which you live to the glorious future of good health and well-being in which you seek to live―to UNPLUG. Disconnect from the mainstream, not so that you can live lives of disconnect, but so you can persevere and not lose hope, which is precisely what mainstream madness would have you do. In order to maintain your power which is God-given, you must in all certainty turn away from the media driven news broadcasts that paint a hopeless picture of a world without a way out.
The way out, as all of you with any awareness have been shown, is IN.
Now, how to go IN? It is easier said than done, one would comment. However, if you disconnect from the outside political flurry, disconnect from the daily media blitz, and disconnect from the television, you will find time you never realized you had. With that time, focus not only on meditation or other inward-focused practices, but listen.

Listen to Nature.
Listen to children.
Listen to your own inner voice, which has been calling you without fail, trying to be heard above the din of all the chatter going on inside and outside your mind.
When you disconnect from the outer source, you find the inner one, waiting as always, patient and silent. Your mind begins to slow down. Your tensions decrease, as you are gently shifting into another frame of reference, through which to see your life more clearly.

You may find your interests changing. You may find your friendships deepening and others disappearing. What is good for you will likely become strengthened, while what is not for your ultimate good is likely to fall away of its own accord.
Find yourself in silence more. Listen to the sounds of silence within you.
Take the time to walk and to enjoy Nature, rather than fear it.
Take the time to be with your children and listen to their stories, instead of rushing through to attend to your duties and spend hours more on computers which rob you of your life.
Of course, computers can be helpful and this tool Internet has become a life-line in many cases. However, let it not become a life substitute. Balance your time. One hour off, one hour on. Of course, plan whole days without computer.
As with any attraction, there can be distraction. So be aware of it and live in harmony and balance in the manner of time and what you do with it, and in the manner of human beings and what you do with human interaction.
And certainly, get enough fresh air and excellent exercise. Balance. Balance. Balance.


Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Newsletter!

Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org  www.terapiahoma.com.pl     www.homapsychotherapy.com

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