13th Sept.


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Let’s continue the fascinating Self- Discovery by raising some questions in your mind. What are your priorities?
We will start by checking a list of priorities. At the end, this list is to be rearranged by underlining the words and writing a number in the respective square according to its importance to you.
 Make money, business, and fortune
 Children, family
 Sex
 Buy a house, building, palace, farm, etc
 Get a particular educational degree
 Food, sweets, etc.
 Clothes
 Perfect body (by exercise, sports, physical yoga, etc.)
 Physical beauty (cosmetics, plastic surgery, etc.)
 Games, casinos, cards, betting, horse racing, etc.
 Entertainment, watching movies & TV, etc.
 Singing, dancing, etc.
 Social interaction, chatting, joking, gossip, etc.
 Cooking
 Be a good husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc.
 Fame, recognition, titles
 Power
 Book reading knowledge
 Practical knowledge
 Spiritual knowledge
 Writing letters, books, poems, etc.
 Meditation, Mantra, Yoga (Self realization, Illumination, etc.)
 Social service
 Agricultural activities, gardening, etc.
 Water harvesting
 Cattle raising
 Traveling
 Teaching, giving lectures, etc.
 Agnihotra, Daana, Tapa, Karma, Swadhyaya
 Free time
 Pets (cats, dogs, etc.)
 Comfort, luxury
 Accumulating jewels, gold, etc.
 Smoking, drugs, drinking, etc.
 Health (physical/ mental)
 Others


Before you finalize your priority list, you may respond the following questions:
1) What are your essential needs?
– Food and water - Shelter – Love – Peace, etc
2) What are your basic needs?
– Health - Education - Family
–Freedom of speech, belief/religion, travel, etc.  Work – Rest – Recreation   – Laugh or cry
3) Can you live disconnected from your environment?
4) Can you achieve your goals in a sick (polluted) environment?
5) Can you build a tall sky scraper without a strong base and the appropriate columns, materials and infrastructure?

The continuous practice of Agnihotra helps us to clean up our environment and rebuild our bodies to fulfill our basic needs and accomplish our particular goals.
As we use the regular fire to cook and make many products edible to be assimilated by the body, we also can use the Agnihotra fire to purify our hearts and minds to absorb easily nurturing, loving emotions and beautiful enlightening thoughts.
Let us do Agnihotra to renew our body, heart and mind and light up the answers to these questions from within.


* Agnihotra is a simple but powerful bioenergetic healing process, which can be performed by anyone - Agnihotra

Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter are very welcome;
please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
and add your address to your email. Thanks!


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Homa Healing Stories

Julio Emilio Lumba Tirado
Jaen, Cajamarca, Peru, South America

"I am 65 years old. I was suffering from chronic arterial hypertension for more than 15 years. My high arterial pressure was not lower  than  20 and the low pressure was also high, it was around 10  and that is quite dangerous. At the beginning the medicines helped me, but later they stopped having an effect. Last year I had a serious health problem. I began to urinate blood. I rushed to the  emergency room and the doctor ordered an echography of the kidneys. Then he told me that my kidneys were so small that they were useless;  they had the size of a bean. I asked him about the solution and he said that the only solution was a kidney transplant  or  hemodialysis.   Then  I was  hospitalized  for  8


months in the hospital Rebaleategui, one of the best hospitals in Peru. They made  a  series  of  analysis  and  exams. 

Mr. Julio Lumba at
sunset Agnihotra

Finally, Dr. Mendizabal told me that my case was irreversible and that I better return to my home town to pass my last days and to say goodbye to my family and friends.
When I returned to Jaen the color of my skin was grey. I had an incurable disease and I only had a couple of months to live then I was supposed to join my friends in the cemetery.
But thanks to the invitation of Dr. Tenorio, I came to know Homa Therapy and Agnihotra in a presentation given by Dr. Hernandez and his wife Aleta Macan  in Jaen. I began to practice Agnihotra daily and felt a lot of relief. I started to urinate normally and the color of my skin changed. I was no longer tired when I walked and my blood pressure normalized through practicing Agnihotra and consuming the healing Agnihotra ash.
When I returned to Lima for the medical check up, the doctor was  surprised and told me that there was no need for hemodialysis. The test was normal. I urinated normally and did not have any other symptoms like vomits, dizziness and others that would indicate the necessity for dialysis.
I realized that Homa Therapy really works. I returned to Jaen and continued with Homa Therapy. I did not have the need to return to Lima. I still have the small pipe, which was inserted into my arm during my stay in the hospital, to be used for dialysis, but which I never needed.

Esther Murillo Davila de Lumba, wife

"I am very grateful for my husband's healing, I have seen him improving day by day. Now he is very well and so are we.
I also would like to report a testimony that actually happened to my brother-in-law. He has a farm nearby in 'Perla', in 'Buena Esperanza' and since he was raised there, he has some friends there. One of his friends presented  a  depigmentation, called Vitiligo, of the skin on the forehead and the hands. They were becoming white and she had a lot of those spots. My brother-in-law made a cream with the Agnihotra ash and the ghee and gave it to her to apply. After 15 days he returned and saw that his friends skin was completely normal, the white spots had  disappeared completely ."



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Homa Healing Stories

Ms. Cecilia with her husband Jose in the Homa Center during Agnihotra.

Cecilia Espinosa de Posligua
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America

"I live in The Alborada, Guayquil. I am 44 years old. I was diagnosed with diabetes. Recently I also was told that I have heart problems, high blood pressure and arthritis. Two of my fingers were starting to deform and I had a very intense pain in the left arm. Every morning when I woke up my arms were asleep and I could not even brush my hair, because of the pain in my arm. I suffered over 6 months with this pain. When I moved my fingers I had a horrible pain. My husband is witness of all that; to move from one side to the other I had to request his

help. I did not feel anything in one leg (from the foot up to the knee). I felt always tired, I didn't want to get up and I suffered from depression. I just wanted to cry, I did not have interest in anything else.
Now we are practicing Agnihotra for 3 consecutive weeks and I am taking the Agnihotra ash more than 3 times a day, in water, in juice, in whatever I take.
Now I can move my arm and the fingers without any problem or pain, the leg is no longer asleep, I have recovered the sensibility. Before Homa Therapy, I could not sleep because of the pain, now I sleep very well. I am more calm and I do not get upset so easily like before. Everyone in the family is taking Agnihotra ash and we all feel better. Now, my glucose is normal and I do not need any medicines. I am doing many things and everybody can see that I am very happy."

José Posligua, husband
"I am 50 years old and I am doing the Agnihotra fire with my wife and also take the Agnihotra ash. I was the one who brought Homa Therapy home. I learnt about it in Vinces (Homa Center 'La Zenaida'). But my wife didn't believe me, she thought that it was witchcraft until she read in the newspaper about Medical doctors who reported cases of healing with this therapy and then we decided to come to the Homa Center in Guayaquil.
Before practicing Agnihotra we also had personal problems in our marriage, we even consulted a psychologist, which could not help us. But now with Homa Therapy everything is better and we are both more tolerant."

Olga Benitez de Montufar
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America

"I have been one of the most reluctant people regarding Agnihotra. People who know me can confirm that. I was always on the run due to my job in the office, but my husband started practicing Homa Therapy and he was the peace in person.  Then we started doing it together in the morning and share this practice in the evening with the patients. I come running home in order to arrive for the sunset Agnihotra, but sometimes I cannot make it, but we always do in the morning. My family is filled with peace. I invite all of you to share this therapy. If you can do it in your home, it brings many benefits. Our whole house is 

full of peace, not only the clinic. Everybody who visits us upstairs in our apartment, says that they feel something special, there it is not cold and it is not hot, but a cooling air. This healing energy is impregnated in the whole house.
My family is very normal, there is nothing extraordinary about it. The extraordinary thing is to practice Homa Therapy and to be able to share it. This is the opportunity God has given us and for that I thank him permanently, for the family I have, for the children, for my husband, and for the opportunity of being able to share with all of you and other people who come to the Homa clinic. Thank you."



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Making the Fire the Center of Your Life ~ Maria Broom

Excerpts of Maria Broom's life story:

I was in the health food store and a gentleman came up to me and said “I would like to show you something. May I come to your home?” His name was Kibwe Bey and he did come one evening, sat down on the living room floor and proceeded to make a smoky little fire. I fell in love with the fragrance immediately and so began my Homa-centered life. This was 32 years ago in 76.

I learned all about sunrise and sunset Agnihotra and managed to do it quite often during that first year or so. But I had also read that doing a small Homa fire at the beginning of meetings and gatherings was an excellent way of getting everybody to relax and to focus. So I decided to begin every adult and children’s dance class in my studio, here in Baltimore, Maryland, with Bhooh Swaha.
In the summer of 1979, when I went away to study the dance arts of Bali, Japan, Indonesia and India, at UCLA, I did not take the fire with me. What a year that was! What a lesson! Upon returning in 1980, I made the commitment in my mind and in my heart…to serve the fire.
It was written in one of the early early Satsangs, that if we center our daily life around the timings of Agnihotra and the various Homa fires, we would find that our day flows more smoothly, time management becomes easier and being efficient takes less effort. It’s true true true. And if you cannot make all of the timings, I have found that if you

begin whatever you do with a small fire, things seem to flow with ease. So we fast-forward to 2008 and I look back and realize that I’ve taught thousands and thousands of dance classes, storytelling classes, yoga classes, workshops and staff retreats in many studios, schools, camps, colleges, universities and public office spaces. And they all began with Homa fire. And all the people, young and old, heard and often learned the Sanskrit words of the Vyarhuti mantra.
Hundreds of performances with “Miss Maria the StoryDancer” in schools, at festivals, in museums, libraries, prisons, at church and government events, all began with Bhooh Swaha and the fire.
It is all Grace. Grace poured on top of individual effort. It is such a blessing to constantly do the work you love in Homa atmosphere. What else but Grace would make the way clear to teach and perform for more than 25 years, lighting the fire, in public and private schools where no open fires are ever allowed? What else but Grace would allow Sanskrit mantras to be chanted and taught in public schools with rarely any challenge from the administration or from parents?
So, I end by strongly cheering you on, to do what you do while making the effort to publicly include the fire whenever and wherever you can. You plant seeds, every time you do. You catch the attention of those who have been looking for the gift of Homa, every time you do. You create an atmosphere conducive for learning, listening and teaching. My experience has taught me, to not always ask permission to do the fire. Sometimes, as soon as people hear the word ‘fire’, the automatic response is NO…not in here. But if you just sit and do it, inviting the people to rest and

Maria, inspired by the Agnihotra fire, expresses her joy through colorful dances, songs, stories and a big loving heart ...


with you, then the healing energy and love is released before anyone can object. Then continue with your class, meeting, lecture, program or performance and answer any questions as they come up. It’s always good to bring handout information.
You take one step and Grace makes a way for the next ten. Blessings!

Maria Broom is from Baltimore, MD, USA



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Homa Farming - Nutrients from the Atmosphere

Homa Therapy - Our Last Chance by Shree Vasant:
"Performance of Agnihotra puts nutrients back into the soil. It fills the atmosphere with nutrients. In Agnihotra atmosphere, the percentage of seed germination improves, the potency of medicinal plants is strengthened and the plants emit love, giving the feedback effect to the human mind.
If plants are placed in a room where vibrations of Agnihotra pyramid fire are maintained, one subtle enough can actually see growth, communication, etc.
When Agnihotra is done under a tree, immediately, as soon as it feels the smoke it begins to become happy.
Agnihotra is the only way to good health and happy life on Earth as it makes things so simple, so clear. One does not have to believe anything about it. It will help a person in spite of himself."

This Noni tree grows in the Homa Center Guayaquil and it carries over 100 fruits in different growing stages. It gives fruits all year long. This plant is 9 months old and it grew from a fruit accidentally tossed on the soil. The amazing fact is, that this strong and vigorous tree grows in 4 inches of soil only!

Now let's compare with the Noni plantation(photo left) of 15 months  without Homa.

The seeds are usually planted in pots and it is extremely difficult to make them germinate, if they do not have the optimum environmental conditions, which the Noni requires.

Above Chaya tree (Cnidoscolus chayamansa) grows in a cement container with only 10 inches of soil right in the patio where Agnihotra is

Above, Maracuya plant delights with a bountiful harvest of delicious fruits. It's roots are in a tiny flowerpot (see circle) with just a handful of soil, that has never been changed. This plant grows on the balcony over the patio where Agnihotra is performed daily and seemingly receives all the nutrients it needs via the Homa atmosphere.

performed daily. It receives the necessary nutrients through the Homa atmosphere and Agnihotra ash. The Chaya is a medicinal plant and it develops its innate healing properties to its full potential in this healing Homa atmosphere.



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Honeybee Deaths Reaching Crisis Point Threatening Fruit and Vegetable Pollination
By Alison Benjamin
The Guardian, UK, August 12, 2008
1 in 3 of UK's honeybees did not survive winter and spring - Pollination of fruit and vegetables at risk

Britain's honeybees have suffered catastrophic losses this year, according to a survey of the nation's beekeepers, contributing to a shortage of honey and putting at risk the pollination of fruits and vegetables.
The survey by the British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA) revealed that nearly one in three of the UK's 240,000 honeybee hives did not survive this winter and spring.
The BBKA president, Tim Lovett, said he was very concerned about the findings: "Average winter bee losses due to poor weather and disease vary from between 5% and 10%, so a 30% loss is deeply worrying. This spells serious trouble for pollination services and honey producers." The National Bee Unit has attributed high bee mortality to the wet summer in 2007 and in the early part of this spring that confined bees to their hives. This meant they were unable to forage for nectar and pollen and this stress provided the opportunity for pathogens to build up and spread.
But the BBKA says the causes are unclear. "We don't know what is behind the high mortality," said Lovett.
The government recognises that the UK's honeybee hives - run by 44,000 mostly amateur beekeepers - contribute around £165m a year to the economy by pollinating many fruits and vegetables. "30% fewer honeybee colonies could therefore cost the economy some £50m and put at risk the government's crusade for the public to eat five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a day," Lovett warned.
The Honey Association warned last month that English honey will run out by Christmas and no more will be available until summer 2009.


Junk Food Potato Chips & Chocolate Now Being Fed to Cattle
As corn prices are going up, large scale factory farm operations are looking for cheaper foods to feed cattle. Cost-cutting measures like mixing reject M&Ms and potato chips with corn feed are no longer uncommon. Of course, compared to the dangerous but routine practice of feeding slaughterhouse waste, blood, and manure to feedlot animals, M&Ms and potato chips don't sound that bad. In the meantime, cattle ranchers raising grass-fed beef are struggling to stay in business, as more people are buying the cheap stuff. The Wall Street Journal recently released a news video on the issue:
Remember: The VEGETARIAN diet alleviates these problems !!


How Organic Farming Can Save Our Oceans
The alarming increase of "Dead Zones" in the world's oceans over the past few years is now as much of a threat to ocean life as over-fishing and habitat loss, say researchers in the recent issue of the journal Science. Dead Zones are typically created when massive amounts of synthetic fertilizer from conventional farms are carried via rivers to the ocean. The fertilizers cause algae blooms which suffocate fish. The number of Dead Zones has risen from 162 to 405 in the last twenty years. Scientists say this year's Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico, created by chemical farm fertilizer runoff, factory farm pollution, and municipal sewage contamination in the Mississippi Basin, is a record 8,000 square miles. Researchers now agree that chemical agriculture "Dead Zones" are one of the world's biggest environmental threats. And of course the only real solution to the world's Dead Zones is to make the transition to chemical-free and pesticide-free organic farming.



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Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America:
In the Homa Center in Guayaquil a group of Agnihotris met to celebrate the 8th of August 2008 with Homa fires and chanted the Tryambakam Mantra together.

Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America:
Ms. Sonia Hunter, director of the Homa Center in Guayaquil started the Women's Healing Circle with Tryambakam Homa and singing on Thursday nights, after Agnihotra.



Ms. Yanina Wilson from San Antonio, Tachira, Venezuela wrote the following:
"I would like to thank you for your help in being able to do Agnihotra in San Antonio de Tachira. We practiced Agnihotra on all 3 days during the event in the 'Mountain of Christ' of San Antonio, just a few miles from the Colombian border. The energy we could feel was very nice and the people were very enthusiastic about the fire. Many of them had never heard about Homa Therapy and therefore we gave away pamphlets with information we took from
www.terapiahoma.com. All love."

Xavier Leisker writes from a farm near Vinces, Ecuador:
"Daily 10 to 40 people, including children, come to participate in Agnihotra. Some people have pain in the bones others suffer from other pains in the body, caused by the physical work in the fields. They heat their hands of top of the burning pyramid and put them on different parts of the body. They say that they feel better and above all that they sleep much better. We have several Agnihotra fires burning, the children love to practice it! We all remain in silence till the fire extinguishes. Om Shanti."


Bogota, Colombia, South America
Agnihotra meetings and Homa video presen-tations in the home of our wonderful hosts Dr. Orlando Gomez, his wife Dr. Julia Garzon and their children Victor, Hector and Caterine.



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Ms. Lucy Medina and Medical Dr. Fernando Rico Bermudez arranged a Homa workshop with MDs and therapists in the Yoga Studio Ishka in Cali, Valle del Cauca. Later, the general public  also came for a massive Agnihotra Healing and almost 200 people arrived to learn about Homa Therapy. Many started their own Agnihotra healing fire this evening and it was a wonderful session full of LOVE and JOY!


Master Shree Vasant visited Popayan, Cauca, 15 years ago and planted many seeds there and all over Colombia. The Garzon family took heart in the Agnihotra healing fire and practiced it during all these years. Much love and support can be experienced in this family and all have wonderful Homa healing testimonies. They talked about Cancer, blindness and true Spiritual Awakening. We were able to share the morning and evening Agnihotra with the family, their friends and other newcomers.



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Agnihotra in Armenia, Quindio in the Andes overlooking an amazing sunset and sunrise in this breath taking mountain range, which is part of the Colombian coffee belt. Dr. Orlando Gomez and his wife Dra. Julia Garzon were the organizers and sponsors of this trip through Armenia, Popayan and Cali.
We feel very blessed to be able to meet such loving and wonderful people in a country hit so hard by violence. But Light disperses darkness and Agnihotra is a great tool to create peace inside and around us ...




Pompano Beach, Florida, USA:
Regular Agnihotra meetings with     Mrs. Beatrice Hillsberg.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA:
Every Saturday HOMA meeting with Mrs. Ivy Amar.



West Palm Beach, Florida, USA:
In the Nutrition Center "MAYU" people meet weekly and share Agnihotra with Dr. Mario Chavez and his wife Yuri.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA:
Ms. Maria Rathner invites  everyone interested to practice Agnihotra and  learn more about Homa Therapy every Saturday


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Dr. Marveys Hernandez Castro from Caracas  has practiced Agnihotra for more than 15 years. She overcame Cancer through Homa Therapy. Here Dr. Marveys  is sharing the message she received from SHREE VASANT as an answer to her questions:

 Dr. Marveys is  teaching  Agnihotra since many years.
Click here to see her testimony about her healing  from Cancer through the regular practice of Agnihotra.



Through the inspiration of Shree Vasant, the Karmé Holistic Wellness Center officially opened on May 17th, 2008. Located at the Homa Resonance Point in Baltimore, on Ann and Tom Couto's property, this charming 19th century carriage house has been fully renovated. Karmé (which is Tibetan for 'to be in Service') is a beautifully appointed Wellness Center with two treatment rooms, a luxurious bathroom with a

Sound Therapist Patricia Norton in the Buddha garden.

sunken tub for healing bath treatments, and a heavenly bedroom overlooking trees, for overnight or extended stays. Treatments offered are: Massage and Cranial Sacral therapies, Acupuncture, Reiki, Sound Therapy, Rebirthing, Breema, Shirodhara, Breath Work and Life Coaching.
Since Karmé is located at the Homa Resonance Point, where Agnihotra and daily Tryambakam Homa have been performed for nearly 25 years, the healing potential at the Wellness Center is greatly enhanced. Many of our treatments begin with a fire and Om Tryambakam Mantra, to further increase the potential for healing and protection.

We also welcome those interested in learning more about Homa Therapy and Homa gardening. Come and experience firsthand the Vedic healing fires and Mantras.



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              Once the goal of liberation in this very life is decided, let us not be attracted to trivia and get caught up in its snares. Conscious and continuous attempt is required to train the mind to become non attached and full of total LOVE.

          Supposing you are going through a huge shopping mall. Thousands shopping varieties try to attract your mind. There are clothes, music, sex shops, flowers, people admiring you for your worldly achievements, soap bubbles, balloons. The room where you can learn to train the mind to become unattached and be full of love is on the top floor. So go straight to the top floor saying that you only want to reach your goal. If your determination is firm then the Grace of Sadguru comes to your help.

          Purification of oneself is a great project. It requires all attention, constant practice. Whenever you notice improvement in you, make sure not to be proud of it. Try to become a more fitting receptor to receive the Grace bestowed on you. Actually you should become more humble because of GRACE being showered on you. You have now to learn how more efficiently to become an instrument to serve your neighborhood.

               You will find inner peace only when you decide every second should be utilized, not to get anything for yourself. Use your body, thoughts, mind, abilities to help people only as an instrument of HIS will. Give HIS blessings, HIS love to anybody who comes to you, to all your neighborhood. By practicing this you will come to know that you have fulfilled your VIKARMA, the purpose for which you have taken human birth. If you wish HIS concentrated power to flow to you, you must become more and more pure. Practice of Fivefold Path of Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, and Swadhyaya will automatically usher you into that state of Love thy neighbor as thyself.



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as received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On transitions and communities
Yes, yes. This is the period of deconstruction before the reconstruction, if you will. This is a period of time when old mores and outdated attitudes are being torn down, to make way for a new awareness and a new, lighter way of being. This will occur on many levels, within a civilization. It will occur in governments, economically. It will occur in environment, in Nature, as Nature stands up for what is hers. It will occur on an individual basis, as well as a whole civilization. As individuals, particularly those who have embarked upon a more spiritual approach to their lives, or who have actually undertaken a spiritual journey—these beings will be of more sensitive nature than the rest. They will likely find this period, though rather disheartening at times due to environmental and worldly pressure, an enlightening period of time. The dying of old thought forms and rebirth of new ones is inspirational and renewing of spirit.
Now, there are those who will be unable to make the transition from the old to the new, without great difficulty. There are those who simply will find it too difficult to navigate the waters of emotional instability during this period of intense change. This is another reason for the formation and nurturing of intentional communities. Whether they are communities where all members actually live on the same land or nearby land in the country, or whether they live in separate homes within a city, intentional communities

are based on the commonality of human beings and the rights of human beings to form solidarity and support each other in times of lean, and in times of plenty. 

On spiritual evolution
When in the company of each other, all make effort to treat each other with utmost respect. Honour each other for the Light beings all of you are. This is only possible when one is willing to invest energy and time in one’s self-study. See the guidance proffered as a stepping-stone to a greater awareness and evolution of the higher self. The ultimate goal is to be one with the Divine, and this always takes the release of attachments, be they toward other beings or toward one’s self-image. Let all the entrapments of the ego fall away, and cell by cell, the Divine will inhabit your being and create you again as whole. All this formerly took lifetimes, but because of the intensity of the path upon which you tread, Grace of Almighty Father has intervened and is bringing all His children home. And in lightning speed we might add!


Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Newsletter!

Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org  www.terapiahoma.com.pl     www.homabrasil.br30.com

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