13th of Feb. 2008


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(Part I)

You might already have heard the expression ‘be happy here and now’.
But, what is happiness?
Where is here?
And, when is now?

Happiness here and now can be relative terms. Usually, what produces happiness varies depending on the individual (sex, age, education, cultural background, etc.).

Many people will say that 'happiness' is:
a) pleasing the senses (having a cup of coffee, tea, sweets, pizza, cigarettes, drugs, etc.)
b) pleasing the ego
c) fulfilling physical needs
d) fulfilling emotional needs
e) fulfilling intellectual needs
f) wearing beautiful jewelry
g) wearing nice clothes
h) achieving power
i) achieving fame
j) living a long life
k) cooking, cleaning, working around the house
l) having free time
m) doing a good job
n) earning or having lots of money
o) doing one’s Vikarma
p) serving others
q) utilizing one’s artistic abilities (painting, acting, singing, etc.)
r) doing Yajnya
s) making love
t) self-realization
u) selfless work
v) doing the Divine’s Will
w) fulfilling spiritual needs
x) etc.

The grass seems always greener on the other side of the fence.
But, is it?

For some people 'here' is:
a) home                  b) work
c) market                d) bed
e) kitchen                f) dining hall
g) playground        h) within you
i) somewhere else, etc.

When is 'now'?
a) after finishing work
b) after having children
c) after having a house
d) after finishing education
e) five minutes ago
f) five seconds ago
g) half a millisecond later
h) in a moment, etc.
As you can see, there are many possible answers to these 3 questions.
Let’s recall: "If there is a lock, there must be a key. If there is a problem, there must be a solution. If there is a question, there must be an answer ."
It is a matter of time and appropriate persistent effort to achieve most of our goals.
Whatever was thought, written, built, etc. - the ideas came from somewhere. Where is this Source? Can we connect to it?
And yes, yes, yes, the regular practice of Agnihotra helps to quiet and clear the mind. This helps us to connect to the Source, get the answers and find Peace Here and Now.            OM TAT SAT

Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter,  please write to
Dr. Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
Please add to your email the city, state and country you live in. This will help us to be more efficient. Thanks!


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Homa Healing Stories

Miguel y Karla Martinez
Athens, Georgia, USA

"Dear Dr. Abel Hernandez,
Agnihotra has really helped us very much us and we want to introduce it into our community.
We are a family of 5, my husband, my three children (9, 5 and 3 years old) and me.  Practicing Agnihotra has been a blessing, for we have been looking for the last years for techniques to meditate and to send energy to the planet. Since we do Agnihotra our health has improved very much. One of my

daughters, she is 5 years old, had asthma, but since we practice Agnihotra her health has improved very much. She no longer gets sick like it was before, specially during winter time when she suffered from bronchitis and pneumonia. The whole family is very well. We had suffered for many years from some black magic done to us and it affected us with illnesses, economic problems and problems with people. But since we practice Agnihotra, everything  has changed. We feel a very big protection and people treat us very kindly. The problems are gone and we are also well economically. I had problems with cysts in the ovaries. Now, I do the Agnihotra fire and take the Agnihotra ash and this problem is gone. The children really enjoy very much the fires and they sleep very well. We feel such a big Peace in our home.
Our dream is to teach Homa Therapy and have a group of people sharing the healing fires. It is something so good for the planet and for all of us. We want to thank you for all your help and it would be a honor if you include our experiences in your Newsletter."

Carlos Perfecto
Vinces, Ecuador                  South America

"My brother Carlos is 49 years old. The diagnoses  given was muscular atrophy. Until 3 years ago, he worked on a farm fumigating glysophate.  He has attended Agnihotra approx. 10 times. He could not move his feet, but  he starts moving them now. He could not move his head, he could not show his tongue. We gave him water to drink with a straw, but he could not take it. He could not eat anything hard. Now he can.

Carlos (photo left - sitting in a wheelchair) attending with his brother and sister the Agnihotra session at the Homa Farm "Zenaida". He is very grateful for his quick improvement with Homa Therapy, since no doctor could help him or gave him hope for any kind of improvement. He used to stir the glysophate solution with his arms, before fumigating the crop with it.
He is taking the Agnihotra ash and he comes everyday for sunrise and sunset Agnihotra."
(Note: Mr. Carlos and relatives travel for two and a half hours in the morning and two and a half hours in the evening to participate in the healing Agnihotra fire in the Homa Center.)
Click here to see the testimony about Carlos Perfecto.


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Homa Farming - Trainings Course at Homa Therapy Goshala, Maheshwar, M.P., India

For 6 days, 35 selected farmers from 5 different districts of the State of Maharashtra, attended the first Homa Organic Farming Trainings course at Maheshwar Homa Therapy Goshala. This trainings program was organized by the National Horticulture Mission, Delhi, the Agricultural Dept. of the State of Maharashtra and the Fivefold Path Mission, Maheshwar, under the guidance of Prof. Dhananjay Jog.
The farmers have received training regarding Agnihotra, Tryambakam, application of Homa Therapy Technology in agriculture, Ash Therapy, Gloria Biosol organic fertilizer, establishing of Resonance Point,  horticultural crops, organic pest management, agricultural entomology, organic farming principles and techniques, etc. from  experts in these subjects.
The farmers are experiencing many problems through plagues and diseases, weather conditions, seed and water quality, etc. which results in loss of crops and accumulated debts.

Native healthy cows with a hump, are an important factor in Homa Farming.

Earthworms in Homa atmosphere reproduce fast and produce high quality 'black gold'.

Preparation of Homa Biosol  "Gloria". It is ready for use in less than one month.

Cow dung, cow's urine and vermi-compost (earth worm castings) and Agnihotra ash are essential for the preparation of Homa Biosol "Gloria", which is known for its quick and wonderful results in Homa Farming.

On the last day, Shree Vasant explained the farmers the Future of Indian Agriculture and said that Homa Farming is the ONLY SOLUTION for the present day Agro Crisis. After Shree Vasant's talk, one farmer stood up, thanked and said: "All our life, we go to the temples, at certain occasions we walk for days to reach one, but we never realized what 'Dharma' is. Now, after these few days in the Goshala performing Agnihotra and listening to Shree's talk, we finally understand what DHARMA really means."

Homa Teacher,  Sandeep Pangarkar, practicing Agnihotra with the farmers. They learned that Agnihotra creates the basic energetic healing and nurturing cycle for any kind of crop, when it is  done daily at sunrise and sunset.


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Garbage tip in Pacific Ocean `growing at alarming rate`
London, Feb 05
Bureau Report
A drifting "plastic soup" of wastes, stretching from Hawaii to as far as Japan, is growing at an alarming rate in the pacific ocean, American scientists have warned.
The garbage tip, "the world's largest rubbish dump", was discovered by the US oceanographer Charles Moore while taking a short cut home from  Los Angeles to Hawaii Yacht Race in 1997.
"The original idea that people had was that it was an island of plastic garbage that you could almost walk on. It is not quite like that. It is almost like a plastic soup. It is endless for an area that's may be twice the size as the United States," 'The Independent' quoted Marcus Eriksen as saying.
Eriksen is a research director of the US-based Algalita Marine Research Foundation, which Moore founded. "It moves around like a big animal without a leash. The garbage patch barfs, and you get a beach covered with this confetti of plastic," said Curtis Ebbesmeyer who has tracked the build-up of plastics in the seas for over 15 years. The "soup" is actually two linked areas, either side of the islands of Hawaii, known as the western and eastern pacific garbage patches. About one-fifth of the junk, which includes everything from footballs and kayaks to Lego blocks and carrier bags, is thrown off ships or oil platforms. The rest comes from land.
Professor David Karl, an oceanographer at University of Hawaii, said "After all, the plastic trash is going somewhere and it is about time we get a full accounting of the distribution of plastic in the marine ecosystem and especially its fate and impact on marine ecosystems".
  Syngenta strikes research deal with China on GMO crops
Geneva, June 25, 2007
Bureau Report
Swiss agrochemicals group, Syngenta, announced a joint research agreement with a leading Chinese research institute to develop genetically-modified, drought tolerant crops for use on global markets. Syngenta said in a statement that the five year project with the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology in Beijing would lead to the development of "novel agronomic traits including drought tolerance" for corn, soybean, wheat, sugar beet and sugar cane.
"This is an important step in our ambition to extend our research programs beyond China," he added. The Swiss group said it would have rights to commercialize the seeds under the cooperation project, which starts with immediate effect.
Note: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs):
GMOs are plants and animals that have had their genetic make up altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs. In general, genes are taken (copied) from one organism that shows a desired trait and transferred into the genetic code of another organism. Large companies make these GMOs and  patent them for profit. Genetic modification is currently allowed in conventional farming, but IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE.
Click here to see what the Simpson family says about GMOs.


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Agnihotra: the most effective Harmonizing System

Victoria Argote
Valencia, Spain

On May 18th, 2007 .This was 'THE DAY OF BIO-CONSTRUCTION CELEBRATION', promoted by GEA (Association of Geo-biological Studies) which took place in the AUDITORY OF CONSTRUCTION, CONSTRUMAT in BARCELONA, Spain .Here, Architect Angel Martinez  mentioned Agnihotra, among other systems of  harmonization inside the report "FORMS, ENERGY AND HARMONY".
He exposed the measurements of the energy level of this Agnihotra ceremony, when it was carried out by him at his home.
In these measurements, a great ascent can be observed in the quality of the energy of the house. These data stirred up great interest on the part of the public that was interested in this .

The numbers according to the Bovis biometer represent:

  • Below 6.000 bovis - pathogenic energy level for the human beings
  • 6.500 to 9.000 bovis - positive energy level for the development of life
  • Higher numbers correspond to the vibration of: meditation and of sacred places or 'power places'. Also certain temples built according to canons in harmonic ways have this higher vibration (over 9.000 bovis).

As it can be seen in the chart below, the vibratory level that is reached during the practice of Agnihotra  is very high: 22.000 bovis. This vibrational level has only been able to be observed in very special places on the planet.

This chart shows measurements from the point of igniting the Agnihotra fire (8.000), after chanting the Agnihotra Mantra (13.000), then reaching 7 minutes later the highest reading (22.000) and remaining there for 7 more minutes till 20 minutes after the Agnihotra practice.
After these readings, shown by the chart, the energy establishes during several hours at 13.000 and slowly comes down again to 8.000 Bovis.

This article was sent by Christa and Ricardo Mena, Algodonales, Spain.

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Janhit Foundation, Meerut, Delhi
In a short visit to the Janhit Foundation, where daily Agnihotra is practiced, we could see the wonderful and inspiring work that this group of dedicated people is doing with their director, Mr. Anil Rana, in awakening and bringing awareness about the water situation in India and globally. 
Click here to see a short impressive video about the water situation as it is in many parts of our planet.

In the train from Delhi to Indore
Who says that Homa Therapy can be taught everywhere? It is right!. Even in the train, we met people suffering from illnesses and looking for healing. They were surprised to see Homa Therapy video testimonials from other people, on other continents and other cultures suffering with the same problems and using Ayurvedic fires for healing. Homa Therapy is a Science. If it is done correctly, it shows its healing effects everywhere. No belief is required! They will look for more info in www.homa1.com

Indore, M.P.
Prof. Abel Hernandez presenting Homa Therapy through videos and slide show in Human Health and Farming at the Rural Development   Training Center' in Indore on request of Mr. Shishir Pandit's NGO. Mr. Sandeep Pangarkar translated.

National Organic Farming Congress, Raipur, Chhattisgarh State

More than 500 organic farmers in Eastern India got up close and personal with Homa Therapy (H.T.) farming practices in January, when Homa Therapy teachers Bruce Johnson and Barry Rathner, Ph. D. and Dr. R.K. Pathak, senior consultant to the National Horticultural Mission, Delhi, addressed the National Organic Farming Congress in Raipur, held at the Indira Ganhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (Farming University) in Raipur.
Agnihotra/Homa Therapy received newspaper coverage articles in Hindi and English newspapers the day after our speeches.  Special colored boxes detailed the science of H.T. and quoted from the Homa brochure. This convention was organized by Dr. Rajesh Dubey, director of Prakriti Bharti Educational & Research Institute at Prakritipuram, Bindanua, Mohanlalganj, Lucknow.

The Highlight of the January 23rd - 24th Convention was the performance of three Agnihotras on the stage of the convention at sunset. All activities were halted during Agnihotra and a short meditation took place.



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The convention was then followed up by a whirlwind 3-day, six lecture tour of three more areas of Chhattisgarh State, during which Dr. Rathner combined H.T. farming talks and demonstrations with explanations of effects on mind and body attributed to Agnihotra and Agnihotra ash medicines.
Mr. J.A.C. S. Rao,  Horticulture Mission Director of the Gov't of Chhattisgarh State made all the necessary arrangements for this successful Homa introduction trip to the farmers, who are all in dire need for help, since plagues, diseases, climatic changes, economic situation, etc. lead some of them to suicide.
(photo right)
Visit to Bana, where patchouli, khus, aloe vera and mangoes are cultivated.

Aheri Village, Dist. Durg                                                                Kabirdham Village, Kuthu District

Village Kothar, Dist. Tahsel Kwardha In Mohan Bhata, Bilaspur the speakers of the car were used to hook up the computer to present H.T.


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Shree in conversation with the farmers at  Homa Therapy Goshala, Maheshwar.

Science, Religion unite in bond of Love. Endless experiments in the church and in the laboratories come to the same conclusion now. All the children, be they scientists or priests, be they laborers or those who seek higher wisdom through texts and learned man – all must come together as one.

You are not a Normal person
This is not a Normal world
You do not see from Normal eyes
But you must appear Normal.

In this time of great racial tension and discord all of you must strive to be examples of Peace and Understanding, of Nonviolence and Truth.

You must be humble as dust but do not speak about it. In all your actions be humble.

An exchange of energy transcends to the heart during Agnihotra.

Material world begins to tailspin


The leanings of the Western mind now are such that they will not be able to conceive dealing with any more pain than they already have, whether it is self induced or not beneficial or not. Most we can ask people to do now is AGNIHOTRA, a little meditation and perhaps some PRANAYAMA.

The importance of AGNIHOTRA goes beyond scientific explanation. It gives a link with the ALMIGHTY. When you see past the physical you begin to think of what importance is this.

I am only a humble servant in the hands of my Master, to be used as HE wills. I am nothing but a vehicle through which Truth is to be delivered to the Planet. I speak only what is spoken through my humble instrument.



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Note: if you need a timetable for AGNIHOTRA for your location, please look into the website: www.homa1.com/horarios2008/index.htm or write to: agnihotrahorario@yahoo.com

received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

December 31, 2007 on Somayag and process of purification

Yes, yes. When such intense Light is shone into the atmosphere, darkness rises and seeks to find a way out. It is as if the Light exposes the darkness and brings it to the surface to be released. So it is with those present for the SOMAYAG. The energies released into the atmosphere are such powerful healing vibrations that the frequencies of this site are accelerated and the magnetic field enlivened.

 Naturally, any dark energies a person may be attached to will cause a shift either in the body physical or in the emotional state of the person. Negativity must be released. As it is being pulsed out of the person, it may appear to be heightened when in actuality it is being taken out. The mind gets attached to whatever state it is accustomed to. If the mind is fearful, it will hold onto fears. When in a purified energy field such as this one, the mind will go through a kind of ‘tug of war’, a ‘fight or flight’ experience. because of the pressure to release negativity and the mind’s inclination to hold onto it, the person may describe him or herself as being in a state of ‘conflict.’ If the person would let the negativity be released, trusting in the purification process, the release would be nearly instantaneous. Such is the effect of this Somayag on human beings’ evolutionary processes.

Indeed we are witnessing a reversal in destructive power of the universe. What will first appear is chaos, because once energy is set into motion it must be released in order to make way for a new cycle of growth to take over. So what you are seeing played out on the world stage is, in essence, a releasing of old blocked negative energies. The powerful impact of this Somayag will push the negative energies up and out.     Continual fires performed all around the globe will push the energies out. Simultaneously, new growth is beginning—as a plant with leaves which are dying, they must drop off to make way for the new.

To read further Orion Transmission please see:

Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Newsletter!

Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

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www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org  www.terapiahoma.com.pl    www.terapiahomabrasil.net

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