13th Oct.


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       Good Education is the foundation of a healthy society.
Education begins at home.
However, today it is very rare to see parents fulfilling that duty for the labor situation and new social habits do not allow it very often.
Education continues at school.
However, for the reasons mentioned above, the load of work of the teacher has increased and he/she has to fill the gaps in the development of character and personality that were not filled at home.
Besides teaching the academic subjects, the school teacher usually must expand his/her role and become partially a father/mother for the students.
Usually, teacher’s salaries are not as attractive as those seen in many other professions or activities.

However, the joy that can be generated in the heart of a Teacher (devoted to his/her role) is "immeasurable".
Yes, yes, yes, almost everything in our society is upside down.
It seems that our habits have changed so much, to the point that we are:
a) peeling the bananas, throwing away the fruits and preparing and eating the peals
b) cracking the peanuts and then throwing away the nuts and eating the shells


Good Education is the Foundation of a Healthy Society.

     If you want to contribute to a conscious change in the habits of our society, one of the perfect places to start is in the school.
Stress and Pollution are causing a lot of psychosomatic diseases that are destroying everything as pathogenic viruses which multiply rapidly.
       Children are not except from stress and pollution and their effects may be greater on them, because they are weak from the psycho-physical point of view.
However, by God's Grace,
there is an easy Solution:

       "The Fivefold Path" (Agnihotra, Daan, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaaya) can neutralize these viruses and repair the damage caused by them.
The Supplemental Educational Program (YYMM) is contained within the FP (Fivefold Path). This YYMM "Yoga, Yajnya, Mantra & Meditation" Program is a set of simple workshops for physical and mental training to be performed easily in the school environment.
We invite you to learn about it
and implement it.
 You, teachers, who are already
serving your students with all
the love in your hearts and minds,
are ready to apply
the YYMM Program.

Your experiences, comments, questions, suggestions and stories for the Homa Health Newsletter are welcome;
Please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan at terapiahoma@yahoo.com. Thank you!


EDITOR's NOTE - continued

   The Teacher has the opportunity
to help heal the damage caused
 to children by an ignorant society.

Teachers have the opportunity to selflessly serve those who need us most -
 "our children."
Yes, yes, yes, for many teachers, their students are like their children.

Through our thoughts, gestures, words and kind actions, we can be instruments of the Divine and feel a great joy.
Through the practice of FP, we can be better to serve better.
Through YYMM Program, we can serve our children better to become better individuals.

As we help our children in their growth, we also grow.
How lucky to be a Teacher, because:

1) when he/she gives a smile, he/she may receive "Dozens of Smiles Instantly"
2) with a little light and willpower,
he/she can turn on
"Hundreds of lights in many minds"

3) with a little ingenuity, he/she can
"Wake up Many Geniuses"

4) the love, cooperation, respect and admiration he/she receives comes from "Pure Hearts"
5) he/she is seen as a "Captain" when in reality he/she is only a "Soldier"
6) God hears the Teacher when more strength and wisdom is required

Actually, we are ONE.
The truth unites us and the lies divides us.
Love unites. And the Teacher is Love.
Om Teacher Om

We can teach playing and laughing.
Adults teach from the brain and children talk from the heart.
We can establish order without violence.
We can instill discipline by example.
We can win the respect of children, by respecting them.
We can arise curiosity and desire to discover, by showing the benefits of
creativity and understanding.
By increasing the number of
"Humble Teachers", we can increase
the number of "Great Leaders", which act
as “Big Brothers and Sisters".
We can make the school a "Great Home".


Panduran Shivan Karu
Tapovan, Maharashtra, India

"My son had chickenpox. We practiced Agnihotra from Homa Therapy. He took the Agnihotra ash orally.
 And we put the Agnihotra ash also on his skin.
Within 3 days, the problem disappeared and the skin was completely clear."

(healing period takes usually a couple of weeks to one month)

Fedra Fedra Altamirano Arce
EsSalud Hospital
 "Sister Maria Donrose "
 Ventanilla, Lima, Peru, South America

             "I wanted to tell you about my case personally.
I am 16 years old. First, I rejected all these things.  But I had a problem, which was my considerable anxiety for eating sweets and junk food.
     Lately, my uncle, who does Homa Therapy, began to encourage me to take the Agnihotra ash in water or herbal tea. And this took away gradually, my anxiety.

Before, I saw a candy bar or junk food and I wanted to eat that.  Now, I see it and even though I have money to buy it, I can say 'no', because I feel free of anxiety and nervousness.
      I feel that Homa Therapy is helping me through the Agnihotra ash and the fire. And that pleases me a lot. Before, I was hurting myself, because I easily could get sick later on in my life.  But thanks to Homa Therapy, I'm avoiding so much possible future pain."
(Photo: Ms. Venus Fedra giving her testimony.)

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Lic. Iris Rivera
EsSalud Hospital
 "Sister Maria Donrose "
Ventanilla, Lima, Peru, South America

       "I work here in the Dep. Complementary Medicine.
The first time I attended Homa Therapy, I was very surprised.
 I was on medical treatment for "cankers" (mouth sores) for about 10 days. I  had a lot of pain which did not succumb to anything.
When I attended Homa Therapy, I could experience

the effectivity of the Fires and the Agnihotra ash water. After one hour, the cankers did not hurt any longer and there was no trace of wounds in my mouth.
The beauty of this Homa Therapy is, that not only I experienced healing, but also other colleagues who had the same canker problems."
                                                                                                                   (Photo: Mrs. Iris Rivera)

Fidela Conde
EsSalud Hospital
 "Sister Maria Donrose "
 Ventanilla, Lima, Peru, South America

        "I am 52 years old. I came to Homa Therapy with mouth sores.  I have suffered from these injuries before and they last approx.  15 days. However, when I started to consume the Agnihotra ash with water, the pain did not deepen and the wound did not grow as usual.
It just remained  small and reddish. 

On the second day, the pain diminished tremendously. And on the third day, it disappeared completely. In other words, the process of the sore did not continue.
Usually, it grows and it gives a horrible pain that does no let me eat, neither sweet nor salty.
Also, less than a week ago, I suffered from a sore throat, a flu. So I continued to take water with Agnihotra ash. Let me tell you, I have not taken any medication. The cold, the strong flu which had given me pain in the throat, started disappearing. Today I do not have any more a sore throat. Homa Therapy, Agnihotra ash and the healing smoke have relieved the pain and annoyance. They have all disappeared."              
  (Photo: Mrs. Fidela Conde)

Luzmila Molaños Díaz
Policlinic Paul Nogier EsSalud
Carabayllo, Lima, Peru

          "I am 41 years old. My gynecologist told me to undergo surgery, but I did not want. I said, I will find other ways, like natural treatments. I started with one natural treatment, which did not work for me and my heavy bleeding continued.
I have 3 uterine fibroid tumors, which were of a size that needed operation. although this hospital is far from  my  house, when Dr. Jorge Torres told me about Homa 

Therapy, I started coming regularly from the month of February onwards. I began to see improvement and my bleeding stopped.
Lately, ultrasounds have been made and the gynecologist told me that the fibroids are no longer of a size that need operation! I continue with the Homa Fire treatment and take the Agnihotra ash in the morning, afternoon and evening. This is what I do
."                                                  (Photo: Mrs. Luzmila Molaños)

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Dattatreya Dhikale
Sayat Pimpri, Nashik, India

    "I am a farmer since 1990. I cultivate 4 varieties of grapes: Thompson, black Syrah seedless, Jambo and Nanasahep Purple and also a variety of vegetables. There is an export market for grapes, but more demand is inside India.
     The thing is that people are getting sick everywhere and I did some research about that. I found out that 67 % of the people die due to some cancer. I thought about the reason behind this and I came to organic natural farming. I studied what a plant or tree requires for its growth, also taking the atmosphere into consideration. Then I collected the data on balancing the atmosphere and the nutrients required. I spent one year on that subject. Afterwards, I organized a farmer’s get-together and told them about my findings.

   Before knowing Agnihotra, I tried biodynamics, biocompost, vermicompost, vermiwash, I placed earthworms around the trees to supply nutrients directly.
       However, when I started using Agnihotra ash, the leaves became healthy and green, more micronutrients were available and the enzyme level improved instantly. The soil becomes more alive. The sweetness of the fruits started increasing.  Using agrochemicals, the soil dies.
        When you do organic farming, the production is good, but when you add Homa Therapy to that, the production is better and increases. Homa Therapy is like Gods' Blessing. When you work with God, you get better crops".

Mr. Datatreyas’ success formula for a 600 liters tank:
- 15 liters cow dung
- 3 liters cows urine
- Agnihotra Ash
- a little cows ghee (desi cow)
- 10 liters vermiwash
Fill the rest of the tank with water.
This mixture has to sit for 3 days. It is then filtered and connected directly to the drop system.
This way 500 liters of potent liquid Homa energized fertilizer can be produced every 3 days. This quantity is enough for 2.5 acres or 1 hectare.
For fumigation, he dilutes 1ml of this Homa fertilizer with 1 liter of Agnihotra ash water.

(Mr. Abhay Paranjpe translated this conversation from Marathi  to English on March 2014 in the Homa Farm Tapovan. Photo above: Mr. Dattatreya Dhikale and below: Mr. Rohan Bhosale.)

Mr. Rohan Bhosale (his friend and translater) coments:
    "Mr. Dattatreya has done great research in organic fertilizing and has published a book on that subject to guide the farmers, so they can produce their own fertilizer. That book is very awarded in the government and popular in the field of agriculture.
   When he came to know about Agnihotra and Homa farming, he found miraculous results in the increase of the bacterial level in the compost and positive contribution to the life cycle of earth worms.   

He also found in Agnihotra ash and its medicines a powerful natural pesticide and many more things. Agnihotra and Homa Farming were a turning point in his research."

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GMO Myths and Truths

      GM foods are neither safe nor needed, say genetic engineers

Genetically modified crops and foods are neither safe nor necessary to feed the world, a new report by genetic engineers shows. The second edition of GMO Myths and

Truths, co-authored by genetic engineers Dr John Fagan and Dr Michael Antoniou and researcher Claire Robinson, was released on 19 May 2014 as a free online download by the sustainability and science policy platform Earth Open Source. The second edition follows the publication two years ago of the first edition, which was downloaded 120,000 times just a few weeks after publication and was read online by several times that many visitors. At 330 pages, the new edition is nearly three times the length of the original and summarizes many new studies. For more info please see: http://gmomythsandtruths.earthopensource.org/


Foods that Contain the Highest Amount of Pesticides

         Much of the produce that is sold today in supermarkets is supplied from farmers who practice conventional farming methods. In other words, the produce has been grown using chemical fertilizers as well as pesticides and herbicides. Many scientific studies suggest that the effects of synthetic pesticides can be detrimental to our health; one study suggests that the consumption of pesticides may lead to ADHD in children; in some other cases, exposure can lead to many forms of cancers

infertility problems and birth defects. Along with the many other poor 'food like' products we are eating, there is an array of foreign substances that are entering our bodies. As we expose ourselves to these synthetic substances over the years, our bodies become overloaded, and our 'cleaning' mechanisms fail to work. As a result, many of us develop sickness and disease because our bodies cannot efficiently remove these toxins anymore. For more info please see:


This could be the Hottest Year ever

By Joshua Alvarado
  The act of humans is the main cause of this phenomenon, according to meteorologists.
       A study of the National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) determined that there is a 97% chance that this is the hottest year ever. This is the result of the analysis of the monthly records of the first 8 months of this

The results also show that August was the hottest month in the history and the period since the beginning of the year has the same characteristic.
This phenomenon is repeated in the temperature of the sea. Meteorologists have determined that human forces are the causes of this phenomenon.

Natalia López López - proudly Indigenous

     Eloquent speech of the girl Natalia López López, a Nahuatl indigenous, in the CEENL (Nuevo Leon State Electoral Commission), Mexico.
Proud of her roots, Natalia, 10 years of age, is famous in social networks; she is a promoter of values and denounces discrimination. See video with english subtitles:

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       Sharing and teaching Agnihotra in the home of Police Major Betty Giron with her family and friends.

 (Photos above and right)

     At noon, we were invited to a vegan restaurant, where a special Homa Fire charged the atmosphere. The girl Radha was delighted with the Homa Fires, as was her mother Shirley. (photos below)

     We took the afternoon to enjoy the hacienda of our friend and teach and practice Tryambakam Homa. (Photo below left: Radha and Shirley doing Tryambakam Homa and photo right: Christian with his wife Judith Alvaro Arce in front of the Fire.)

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      Prof. Abel continued with the second part of the Homa Anti-stress Workshop at the Hospital of the National Police of Peru (PNP). This was organized by the Major Betty Giron.
   Christian Alvaro and his family came from Lima to share their many experiences in the field of health with the practice of Homa Therapy.

We also learned some relaxation and deep breathing exercises to calm body and mind.
At Agnihotra time, we all chanted the Mantras and then sat silently.
We were fascinated by the healing flames and the palpable effects of complete and total relaxation, manifesting as Inner Peace.

(Photos this page)


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Dr. Marisol de la Rosa, 
at this state health facility, more and more patients are taking advantage of Homa Therapy and its benefits.
(See photos of various Homa encounters in the Department of Complementary medicine.)


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Agronomist and Homa promoter, Luis Tafur, organized
a coupleof Homa Super Technology Presentations
  to a group of farmers in Jaen.

Prof. Abel showed videos, photos and documents of Homa farms and their amazing results in:
* the control of pests & diseases *the increase of harvest

(Photos this page)

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       Agronomist Luis Tafur (photo below talking to the public) took us to Bagua Grande. The Mayor, Mr. Manuel Izquierda
(last row - photo to the left)
and his team organized several audio-visual presentations of Homa Therapy and its effects on health.
    These happened in the auditorium and  the library of the Municipality of Bagua Grande, Utcubamba.
      (photos on this page - sharing Homa activities)

Prof. Gabriel Florian Torres interviewed Prof. Abel on TV about Homa Therapy and its benefits.

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    Learning the sunset Agnihotra Mantras, sharing the Agnihotra fire, its silence and healing and its miraculous ash.
(Photos above and right)


     In the school of the village Misquiyacu, higher up in the Andes, about one hour from Bagua Grande, farmers gathered to hear about Homa Farming Technology and Cattle breeding. They also experience Agnihotra.

 We had the pleasant company of Mayor Manuel,   Agnihotra practitioners David Echeverria and Abel Mondragon, and the school teachers.  Ms. Angie and Eng. Ruben, got initiated with their Agnihotra kit.
At the end, everyone received the healing Agnihotra ash.

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  Through various interviews on TV and on Radio "Candela", more people came and  took advantage of the opportunity to know and experience this ancient healing technique, called AGNIHOTRA and its many benefits. Many Agnihotra fires were lit and the healing energy was felt stronger.

   Prof. Abel guided the group in chanting the Mantras "OM SHREE" after a short meditation and deep breathing. Optionally,  we repeated the prayer of
St. Francis of Assisi. All received the healing Agnihotra ash
(see photos)

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We drove back to Misquiyacu to fulfill the promise of Prof. Abel to do an introductory YYMM (Yoga, Yajnya, Mantra, Meditation)
 Workshop with the children of the secondary school. Students and teachers were excited about learning something new. 

(see photos this page)

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Prof. Abel taught through the YYMM workshop discipline with love and once more Discipline with Love. He also related stories to learn values and
something to laugh.
Young people are searching for models and teachers
 can be their guides,
if they are ready and
walk their talk.
(see photos this page)

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          Homa Introduction in the State Hospital EsSalud.
Many people arrived in search of relief of their pains and problems. Prof. Abel also took the time to teach some simple revitalizing exercises, concentration and relaxation techniques.  He also spoke of "The Importance of Real Food for our well-being".
      (see photos this page)

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   As sunset time approached, all Agnihotra pyramids were lit.
    It became a celebration of healing flames, emanating light and welfare to each being present.
     With deep breaths and a silent mind we humbly received these blessings.

    Some of the participating Agnihotris  (photo second row from right to left: Mr. Segundo, Mayor Manuel, Mrs. Celina, Mrs. Victoria and her friend) shared their Homa healing stories.
The audience asked about the next session of Homa Fires and Mayor Manuel Izquierdo offered the auditory of the municipality on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! All received Agnihotra ash and left very happy!
(photos this page)

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Patients bring a glass jar to receive Agnihotra ash and take it home.  They take this ash several times a day and share it with family members and friends.

         Back in Piura, at the EsSalud Hospital Reategui, we participated in the sunset Agnihotra sessions, which are in the loving hands of Dra. Marisol de la Rosa, Prof. Cesar Gonzales and other Homa volunteers.
              (Photos: sharing Agnihotra on different occasions)

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Ms. Mariela Pugliese from La Rioja, Argentina, shares:

       "I want to tell you about the workshop I gave on Homa Therapy in the “7th Meeting for Women” in La Rioja, where I first came to know Homa. Since then, every year this festival takes place and I feel the commitment to spread Homa Therapy. I am grateful to have met it here. It was wonderful! About fifty people assisted very excited and avid to see what it was.

         A few already knew it. We did Agnihotra and we also had the opportunity to share fifteen minutes of Tryambakam, including Vyahruti Homa with all the necessary explanations. We were in the open, but despite the cold and the wind, almost everyone stayed until the end. The day after the meeting, I met some people who had participated and they told me that they had loved it and they were very happy. "Om Shree."
(Photo above left. Ms. Mariela explaining the ingredients for the Homa fires; photo right her friend doing Agnihotra; photo 1st row during Agnihotra.)


Ms. Camila Paz Molina Llamazares shared from Santiago about the ‘Womens’ Healing Homa Circle’:
     ""We meet every Thursday in the women’s Homa circle, integrating an artistic and creative activity, receiving energy of female healing. Gratitude to this healing technique that is Homa, to art and to the female healing energy that guides and nourishes us." 
(Photos: Women’s’ Healing Circle with the Mandalas painted.)

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Mrs. América Camacho shares the photos on this page showing various Homa activities in Malaga, southern Spain.

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         The task before you is large. Approach it step by step. For this, you must have a plan. To be enthusiastic is the beginning. Pay attention. Follow the disciplines.
To not know how these things work, to not know what is being done through you as an instrument, this is the best way. Once you come to know, then the intellect comes into play.

        You can be very quick if you want. You can be alert and you can be very clever. So use this in a positive way. Instead of being "Quick to Anger" as the saying goes, you can be quick to love, to understand, to take positive actions.

That requires complete reversal of thinking process. Then your thought is, "How can I best be of service?" Then there is no question of being quick to anger. Anger is a trap for you. It is not uncommon. So work on that. How can I be of service? Again Humility.

       If one learns to curb these physical/sexual desires and channel the energy into SERVICE, creative expression through art, music and through KARMA YOGA and meditation, then the love of the material world of desires becomes less. Then the pull of physical attraction becomes less, and ultimately it is overshadowed by attraction to SPIRITUAL ENERGY IN ANOTHER PERSON. Then one can have the chance to meet another person more equal to their own spiritual development. The physical attraction becomes far less important. Such a union is likened to what is popularly called “soul mates”. This type of marriage has greatest chance at achieving harmony and balance with love and compassion for another person! The focus in such a marriage becomes not each other’s needs, but the needs of others. Such a union is wonderful, but one must first control one’s sex urges and one’s appetite for material things.

        It is like your diet. You can say 'no' to fattening foods or junk foods, isn't it? Treat anger, etc. also in the same way. So if you are hungry, you might say 'no' to a chocolate bar and give yourself a salad. Treat the emotion that is blocking you in the same manner. Say 'no' to it and give yourself some time to calm down. The anger is only as powerful as you allow it to be. If you give it the rein, it is like a wild animal is, as you know, untamed. Do discipline the mind and tame the emotion.

       Those that are now taking drugs, smoking pot and drinking alcohol will soon be surprised to note that these substances begin to have an aggravating effect on the nervous system, not only after but also during the so called 'high'.

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as received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On True Spiritual Path
Yes, yes. As long as the heart beats, one’s work in life continues. Till the moment of one’s last breath, one can evolve and should, by all means, seek to progress on what you refer to as ‘spiritual path.’ This leads us to the topic, ‘spiritual path.’

When one begins to follow a specific blueprint or path endowed by a prophet, a great Guru, or spiritual mentor or master, one takes a step towards one’s goal of self-realization or God realization. If one has no particular guide and simply decides to follow his or her own heart through the ups and downs, ins and outs of life, this is also a type of ‘spiritual path.’

However, simply practicing meditation techniques, pranayama, hatha yoga postures, chanting from ancient scripture or repeating mantras 10,000 times are not what constitutes spiritual path.

One’s walk through life is one’s path.
One’s walk is one’s way to serve Divine.

It is living in accordance with the basic laws of Nature, the striving for improvement in one’s interactions with others, the tempering of one’s words and the rearranging of one’s own thought processes to let in more Light, that is truly spiritual path.

When human beings enter into a particular spiritual practice or study, often they begin to feel superior to those who either follow no particular spiritual direction or follow another line. They begin to take on a holier-than-thou attitude, the antithesis of spiritual path! With this newfound pseudo-confidence, the judgment begins.

On true spiritual path, judgment is like the enemy. When one gives in to judgment, one closes the doors of the

heart and blocks one’s very spiritual progress. Here, we do not mean giving helpful advice or reminders to those near. This, when done with kindness, is a gesture of compassion. It is the overall tone of judgment one takes on when one feels superior that is most debilitating on any spiritual path.

There is validity to almost all spiritual paths, often at the root of them. Religions began from a seed of Truth and often spiraled out of control, when the idea of controlling others was introduced.

Human nature can be easily drawn into controversy and judgment. One must guard against judgment as a sentry at the gates of heaven!

We call upon human beings to revel in their own joyous songs, chants and prayers to Almighty and accept other ways as being equal to your own. Acceptance and kindness will be your calling cards, as you walk resolutely on your chosen paths. Walk with Light, in Light. Practice forgiveness and let it fill your spirit with joy.

These are grave times on planet Earth. They call for greatness of character. They call forth those who can meet the challenges with strength and purpose, with grace and fortitude.
There are many paths which lead to Divine. There is not one way. The tools in one’s hands are those which will uplift and lead them home. Share them openly and willingly with those whom you feel will benefit from them. Teach them freely, but without expectation of reward or accolades.

Blessings abound for those who walk in humility and Grace shall be showered upon them in great abundance. OM. 

More info: www.oriontransmissions.com

Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Health Newsletter!

Further official web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de
tapovan.co.in    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org
www.homapsychotherapy.com www.agnihotra.com.au    www.terapiahoma.org

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