Team of Professors
of the School
"Joaquín de los Andes"
Pto. Montt - Chile, South America
<info@joaquindelosandes.cl> |

Deaf children very
attentive to the Mantras and the HOMA Fires. |
Hello everyone!
It is wonderful for us to be able to share our experience with the
Homa Fires. We hope that these lines will encourage others to
experiment with these Homas in their schools in many towns, cities and
countries around the world.
We are a Special School with 21 deaf children from 2 to 10 years of
age. Our children have hearing and language problems We started the
Homa Project in May 2006. Our objective was to use this healing tool
(Homa Therapy) to improve
- the health of our children
- the level of attention and concentration
- the awareness and protection of our environment
and to reduce
- hyperactivity
- irritability
- aggressiveness |
We do Tryambakam
Homa for 20 minutes two times a week. These Healing Fires have opened
up a space in the school where adults and children come to experience
tranquility, mental peace and happiness.
We are truly amazed to see how effective these Homas are. The children
show a lot of respect to the fires and they like to participate.
It may sound crazy, but these deaf children try to sing the Mantra and
give the offering to the fire with the word "Swaha". They show us that
this is important to them. it is really awesome to see them quite for
long minutes just listening to the burning of the cow
dung. You can see
them focused on the fire and waiting for it silently to go off. It is
beautiful to see how these Homas fill their minds with peace and love.
It is wonderful what is happening and these FIRES bring us closer to
We can certify that "to heal the atmosphere is to heal yourself" is
We realized this in few months and we will continue throughout the
year to show how Homa Therapy benefits children who are special,
handicapped or not. After all, children are just children.
We will share more of our experiences. A big hug to everyone. |
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |

Tryambamkam Homa in the Women´s Homa Healing
Circle |
Women's Healing Circles
with Homa Fires |
Adela Cordova,
Piura Peru, South America
The Homa Healing Circle for women is for me an Oasis in the desert.
Here, I can recharge myself with positive energies to feel fresh,
cheerful and gain strength to walk daily on my spiritual path. We
always ask ourselves: Who am I? Where do I go? and other questions
which help us focus to achieve answers. |
One of my
objectives is to be able to stay in silence at least two hours daily.
This is a discipline suggested by Master Vasant. It is a time to
listen to the Inner voice and to know if I am advancing or not.
I can say with certainty that this Homa Healing Circle for Women has
filled a hole in my heart and in my life. It is an Oasis in the desert
where we can feel the dew in our faces. I am learning to be a better
mother, better wife and better human being.
I thank all the people who guided us to form this Sacred Healing
Circle. Also, I'd like to thank all the soul sisters that participate
in these Healing Circles and in the Inner Search, in the entire world.
The idea of Homa Healing Circles for Women was proposed by Master
Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe many years ago and is taking place in many
countries all around the world. On Thursdays, one hour before sunset
Agnihotra we come together and start our Healing Circle with a Vyahruti Homa,
followed by Tryambakam Homa where everyone participates rotating.
At the moment of sunset we all do Agnihotra and one of us guides the
meditation. We use these sublime moments to send our Love,
Divine Light and Strength to all
our sisters,
all our children and all
people who are suffering.
The Homa Healing Circle for Women is an open circle, where the only
requirement is to bring the Agnihotra Pyramid. There are women
united of different race, religion, social status, economic status, etc.
In these Healing Circles we also read the books of Master Shree Vasant and
then we try to practice this in our daily life. We also do other
activities like singing of devotional songs, we dance, we paint Mandalas,
read spiritual stories, see videos of Saintly women, etc.
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |
We are working as
Homa volunteers in the cow sheds for the government of India. They
have in 12 stables in this area where they take care of minimum 450
cows per stable and the Boss wants that Homa Agriculture and Cattle
Breeding to be practiced. Now we are working with the Second Homa
Resonance Point and in a few days ,we move to the next place. We are
also producing Biosol HOMA and preparing the people in charge of the
stables. There is a lot to do.
With all love.
Juan Rodrigues y Mary Lee
Weir, India
Beautiful water pools throughout the
area of the HOMA Center "Tapovan", where rain harvest
takes place |
Pumpkin, Tumeric and other veggies
and herbs grow beautifully with Homa Agriculture |
Wonderful 6 week old soy bean crop
growing in
the fields of Tapovan, where there once was only desert. |
Dear Friends,
Well, we finally got the big rain we were
waiting for. The Best rain in the last 25 years ,they say. Tapovan is
looking wonderfully green and lush. The big work which Aaron and Anne
did on the water harvesting has paid off in a very big way. As you can
see from the pictures, our dry creek bed has been transformed into a
series of beautiful pools through the extensive rainwater harvesting
that we have completed. Charming rustic bridges allow for a lovely
walk around the whole of the water feature. What a blessing for us to
have so much water ,after so many years of severe drought. All the
wells and bores on Tapovan are recharged and full of water. Water has
percolated through to the aquifers beneath and the water level in our
catchment area seems to have stabilized. We are now able to think
about irrigation and growing different things here in Tapovan, which
were not possible before.
Already, we have had agricultural experts last week who were
totally baffled by our wonderful soy bean crop (only 6 weeks old -
see pics), and also healthy turmeric crop in an area where they do not
usually grow, as well as cotton without chemicals or pesticides. This
is, of course, a testimony to the power of intensive Homas
Fires and the application of Homa Biosol
biofertilizer which we make here in Tapovan.
Lots of love
Bruce Johnson & Anne Godfrey
Parola, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra State, India
email: tapovan2@rediffmail.com |
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |
A virus spray to keep frozen meats bacteria free
London, August 29th:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently allowed meat
companies to add viruses to their meat to keep it from making people
sick. |
Amazon rainforest
'could become a desert'
(Jul y 23rd, 2006)
The vast Amazon rainforest is on the brink of being turned into desert,
with catastrophic consequences for the world's climate, alarming research
suggests. And the process, which would be irreversible, could begin as
early as next year. Studies by the blue-chip Woods Hole Research Centre,
carried out in Amazonia, have concluded that the forest cannot withstand
more than two consecutive years of drought without breaking down.
Source: Independent |
The FDA allowed a cocktail of six
viruses as a food additive to be sprayed on ready-to-eat meat before
it is packaged to protect against Listeria monocytogenes. This
bacterium sometimes grows on cold meat and causes about 2500 cases of
severe food poisoning and 500 deaths a year in the US alone.
Symptoms of Listeriosis include fever, muscle aches and sometimes
nausea or diarrhea. If the infection spreads to the nervous system, it
can lead to confusion, loss of balance, convulsions and stiff neck.
The disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women and people with
weak immune systems.
The viruses in the additive are bacteriophages, that is, they only
attack bacterial cells, and are the first to gain FDA approval for use
as a food additive. Since they do not harm plant or animal cells they
should be safe for humans, in fact some kinds of viral bacteriophage
naturally inhabit the human digestive tract.
"Intralytix" of Baltimore, Maryland, which developed the additive, says
that it has licensed the product to an undisclosed multinational
Bureau Report
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |
July 18th 2006:
Education camp on Agnihotra
- The Ancient Science of Healing.
Reiner and Manuela Sczypior followed
an invitation from the Deputy Director Dr. K.N.
Horticulture Department,
District Solan Chambaghat, India |
The first day
80 officers
and farmers gathered and all the 51 Agnihtora
pyramids we brought to the camp, found new homes. In the evening
,we performed and taught Agnihotra. |
The second
day ,Manuela Szcypior spoke to a
group of 60 women addressing specific topics which concern
mainly women. She distributed Agnihotra Ash to all of them
and Dr. Sharma asked for 25 pyramids to be distributed amongst the
women. |
27th of July ,Reiner and Manuela Szcypior were invited by Dr. R. Kapoor
to teach Agnihotra in Solan, India. Over 400 people came for the
meeting, where a talk on Homa Farming was also given. |
Lima, Peru, South America:
Intensive Homa Therapy Training with people
who recently got their own Agnihotra Pyramid. |
Pyramid Gathering
in Puerto Santa Maria, Spain in Christa and Ricardo Mena´s
house, one day
before our flight back to South America. It was a wonderful Divine
Gift seeing so many people starting with their personal practice
of Agnihotra Healing Fire. |
friends and newcomers
to Homa Therapy arrived at the Mena's home to hear and learn about
Agnihotra and experience the peace that comes with its practice.
Colombia, South America:
Pavitram Seva is
sharing Agnihotra with a group of people in the Mayor´s
office of Pereira. |
Dr. Mario Chavez teaching Agnihotra in the Holistic Center " Ma Yu
Natural Way" in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA |
These pictures are groups of
people who are learning and also doing
Agnihotra in the city of Barinas, Barinas
State, Venezuela.
Maria Cecilia Mendez, Adelino and Daniel Mora are teaching the Homa
fires. |
Full house with AGNIHOTRA meetings at
a Holistic Center
in Lima, Peru, South America |
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |
participate |
HOMA HEALTH Newsletter
can be a window to the
world that shows how wonderful these HOMA
Healing Fires work..
Please let everyone know about your experiences
and write us. By sharing our experiences with others we bring HOPE
to many. |
Your experience can also be made available in different languages
in the HOMA web sites.
We ALL can play a greater role
as Instruments of the Divine through practicing and teaching Agnihotra.
Please send your
pictures of Agnihotra Fires with your family and friends.
Maybe you are already
sharing this knowledge in cultural, scientific or spiritual
events. Maybe you are
doing it at home, in a hospital, school, health
center, work, public or private gathering. Communicate your experiences!
Let's hear YOUR News.
We all can be part of
the Loving HOMA Wave that is spreading all over the world. |
If you need
the Agnihotra time table for 2007 please write with anticipation to
and let us know
your name, city, district, state,
country and your phone number. Thanks! |
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |
"We do not claim Agnihotra to be of any
religious origin. It is a tool, which allows us
to become more understanding of the problems of
others, the problems we are faced with in the
world, the negativity, the air pollution. This
itself enables us to become more full of love.
This is the answer to be given to all the Universe.
Let the planet vibrate the message of LOVE.
Let Agnihotra be taken to all people, all across the
globe." |
,things are moving very fast all over the World.
After two months ,there will be a big demand for Agnihotra ointment
because the skin diseases will become like epidemic.
To prepare Agnihotra ointment, you have to take one (1) unit of
Agnihotra ash and add nine (9) units of cow’s ghee, by weight.
You can share this information through those who can tell other
You have to keep large stocks of ointment to serve the people." |
"Agnihotra is not only like food for the soul but it will help
food to grow in soil conditions thought impossible.
Agnihotra activates cells in the body and at the same time
supplies atmosphere with nutrients necessary for survival." |
"Mind is like this E-mail.
You download, digest the information and again download. But if
you do not delete old messages from your computer, after sometime,
the computer may be overloaded. Why not just download, process the
information and then delete it?
Only keep the information needed as to keep computer functioning.
"Ultimately all that is needed is Mantra." |
"To neutralize the effects of Radioactivity:
Try this Agnihotra fire Science from Vedas to purify the
Atmosphere and create a natural healing balance in Nature.
In Eastern Europe an experiment can be made concerning
radioactivity in the soil. This we can foresee having a dynamic
effect on the well being of Europe on the whole. By utilizing
ancient techniques of fumigation as well as farming and using the
ash as well as the HOMA fires themselves, radioactivity in the
soil can be eradicated or at least greatly reduced... This will be
sufficient evidence to render this Science of Homa Therapy
completely sound and effective in treatment of various
radioactivity related situations including physical illnesses in
human beings and animal kingdom, also plants and water resources." |
you want to know more about Homa Therapy you can read:
"Homa Therapy - Our Last Chance" by Vasant V. Paranjpe
"Light Towards Divine Path" by Vasant V. Paranjpe
"Homa Therapy - Ancient Science of Healing" by Dr. Monika Koch |
www.terapiahoma.com -
www.homa1.com -www.homatherapy.info |
Excerpts from the
August, 2006
"Check your thoughts
and actions. Are they based in fear or are they based in faith? Surround
yourselves with laughter and positive beings who lighten the load.
Surround yourselves with beings who tap into the core of your being. Seek
others who laugh freely. And laugh freely!
Retrospection and introspection are healthy only when they are aimed in a
positive direction. If you have erred, find the point of humour in the
error and laugh at it! Then, let it go. The lesson will be learned much
quicker if it is seasoned with laughter rather than tears, regrets and
subsequent guilt! In the process of becoming one with Almighty, all the
faults and inconsistencies, all the doubts and insecurities have to fall
away. When you ruminate over them, they become so important that you
forget to live your life in the present moment. So, concerned not to make
the same mistake again, you memorize every wrong action, every thought
which led you to err. Then, totally engrossed in the guilt and regret, you
stumble across a similar situation and make the same mistake again! If you
walk into a wall, best not to look so long at your feet. You may walk into
the next wall, even though mentally you've prepared yourself for the
likelihood so thoroughly. The best preparation to face any blockage, seen
or unforeseen, is always to be fully present, feet firmly planted on the
ground, mind clear of fear, placing one step in front of the next.
Insecurities and fear of reprisal or of making mistakes in life do not
insulate you from them. |
The new movie* created by your former U.S. Vice President and apparent
President elect, captures truth in a capsule and is excellent. Do see it
and see that others see it. There is much told about environmental danger
and it is still just the tip of the iceberg so-to-speak. However, he
speaks the truth and is apparently committed enough to override fear in
his own life. We commend such a forward-acting political man. Rare
qualities are displayed here and shocking truths which, if ignored, will
become full reality."
* The movie is 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore

To read further
Please share this HOMA Newsletter
with friends and family. Thanks! |
Further web
sites on Homa Therapy:
click to see other Homa Health Newsletters |